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Richard de Florennes

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Everything posted by Richard de Florennes

  1. Saturday, 9 October 2010, region Liege: harvesting potatos with a strong preference for one colour ...
  2. the smaller farms in that area beginning with 50 hectares, average size is between 50 and 100 hectares, also a lot of big farms with up to 400 hectares in that area, two thirds of which highly profitable crops as sugar beet, potatos and chicoree roots.
  3. with special thanks to Dave Towse for provision of a onion harvester in 1/32 scale I could realise this improved onion harvesting scene now:
  4. apart of the sugar seed drill and maybe the digger (with a totally wrongly designed cab), ProFram Toys have a good feeling of producing models almost no one ever longed for and no one really needs - in my opinion. On the contrary, they have postponed any further developments regarding sugar beet or any other "special" equipment. Seems they are desperately looking for some left market spots where the big money can be found ...
  5. having spent around one hour with this beautyful scene, a long search was necessary, until the next nice scene was found, this time feturing two sets of harvesters working on two fields next to each other ...
  6. another trip to Belgium early this October resulted in pictures like these:
  7. just found some more pictures remembering me of the fact that I was really in the Netherlands one more time this October: beginning with really good looking row-crop tractor: big potato harvest: another harvesting scene nort far away:
  8. not far away from the last scene but a couple of days later during a hazy and cold morning: harvesting onions again ...
  9. same day and just a few villages down the main road: harvesting onions on my way back home I found another interesting sugar beet harvesting scene, featuring the two-phase harvesting system:
  10. while it is raining here every day and all day long this November, I wished I could travel back in time to days like these: Titz, region Jülich, 3rd of October - a mild and sunny Sunday afternoon ...
  11. Thanks for the information, in spite of the rather bad news concerning the farmer. Hope he is better now. Here are some more pics from that 29th September this year:
  12. don't ask me what this is and what it is doing - I just saw it passing by when visiting a museum, I presume it is involved in cleaning all the drainage rins and ponds everywhere on this island and is intended for loading all the water plants which have to be removed for cleaning the drainage systems ...
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