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Britains Ford 8730 Conversion to County 1884.

John Deere Collector


I have all the items to complete my conversion other than the blue paint, but I am after help on how I can take the front axle off without causing any damage. The Bonnet is off and there seems to be pin that goes through the centre of the axle, and into the inside of the engine compartment. Does this just pull out. I don't want to pull to hard incase I damage it.

Can Anyone give any advice please.

PS What is the best blue to match the 8730 blue to paint the front weights and axle.


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to swap the axels just put a screwdriver between the chassis castings along the join at the bottom, and gently prise the two halfs apart, the pin will drop out along with the axel, to fit the county one keep the screwdriver in and put the pin and new axel in place, remove the screwdriver and press the parts back together, as for paint, cant help on that one, i do have a tin of ford tractor blue fro ma dealer which i think countys were painted in, but not 100% on that

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