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planting spuds ,with uncle C & few fendts (oh yeah & a manitou)


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well been 2 years since i made a visit to uncle C planting spuds so thought i'd have a drive about to see whats changed

well first thing thats changed is that his McCormicnicknackpaddywacgivethedogabone has been swapped in for a new 09 fendt 718 vario & very pleased he is with it as well !


oh yeah also has a new /newish planter 


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as C was off to fetch the manitou  i took a few of martins new ride , & there's nothing small about martins tackle , this is big boys toys  ;D

a brand spanking new fendt 936 he also had a new one last year , but this one has all the self steer /gps gadgetry fitted


here working the 3 row bedtiller/formers

& according to martin , even at 360hp , in heavy ground it will drag the fendt down & I quote 'sit her on it's ar$e' :o


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front tank full of liquid fert applied as they're planted , dont ask at what rate as i forgot to ask  ::)


a pic of the bussiness end


plenty of room to pass although colin can plant at a faster speed than the destoner can , although having said that there are usually 2 destoners working ahead of him , but more of that in a moment


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this is the older of the 820's that are operated it's on a 58 plate , driven by new chap neil


he's a really nice chap even if he did used to drive new hollands  :D


easy soil this , some of the best in the south west , very light & free draining


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remember i said there were uaually two destoners on the go ?  well on it's way back to the yard a lorry decided to cut in a bit early & caught the front wheel spinning the tractor round & onto it's side , the driver john is fine bit shocked & at home resting , (not met john yet )

here she is , looking a bit sad on an 09 plate  :(


compass tractors have said it's not too bad , but it looks like a cab change & a few panels will be replaced along with the wheels & tyres , i think johns sarnie box slipped onto the floor as well but thats yet to be confirmed  compass have another tractor going through PDI to replace this one while it's out of action


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C refilling the liquid fert tank back in the yard


um now which one shall i press ? ..............nope ! havent a clue  ??? not even thunderbird 1 has this much going on in the cabbin  :-[


oooh looks whats just come back to sort the headlands out


i thought the old 930 was the dogs dangiles  but this is awsome stuff, power, beauty, style,this machine has everything , it really is lust at first sight  :P :P :P


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pic of the GPS system , here martin can enter everything the system needs to know , from the size of the machine & a quick drive round the field , this maps it & can be acurate for groundwork up to 2.5 cms even gets the shortwork sorted by mapping the most efficient way to work the field :)


GRRRRRR .................YEAH BABY


all folded up ready for the next field


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Great pictures there Marcus some nice kit ;)

One of my favorite jobs too watch when i leave school i am going to try and get a job with one of the local spud gangs :)

go on cerin get in there mate , so much more to it now , when i helped out on this farm 23 years ago , it was MF 550, 265, 590, 698T stuff , just think what i'd be driving now if i'd managed to stick with it !

probably the 550 still  :-\ :D :D :D

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Suuuuuperb work marcus. A job well done.

Out of interest, what rate is the liquid fertiliser applied?  ;D:D :D :D::)

Excellent photo's and some pretty fancey gear on the move.

ooh ? i'd say a fair few gallons over a large acreage , or for the youngsters , a lot of litres over a fair few hectares  :D

thanks tris ,

started to itch now  :(

Impressive kit and great pics Marcus.

Got to say, those 936's are smart looking tractors :)

had a good day to take them as well mark , as the sun was side on so had a decent pic at either end of the field , rather than light one direction & dark the other

i'm torn over the 936 & the 8690 now  :-\

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah did you hear that lads, he is starting to itch!!! I know the feeling. When I was on the lorries full time, around late April time I also used to get 'the itch'. It got to much in the end and thankfully when I got in a tractor again, the itching was cured.  :)

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Good photos and some very tidy kit there. I like the idea of 3 x 2m sections on the bedformer - most here are 2 x 3m and they have some terrible problems on 360hp plus tractors. :)

Must be good soil if Ol likes it.  :D

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