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Fair Trade Farm Models

Big Al

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on the veg theme the UK isnt fair, i know of plenty of farmers with good quality silt land in the fens not growing potatoes because some EXPERT told the supermarkets potatoes have a better skin finnish from growing in sandy soils, that need irrigation, destoning, more fert.????

My opinion is if we have to trade with other countries then do it fairly not to rob or be greedy.

The West and America do need to wake upto the fact that not every country wants American values.

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Simon I see your point on religion all wars start on a Sunday and all wars are over religious issues, Oh and I to also despise football, sports should never be profesional as this in turn involves money and money also leads to coruption, which in turn leads to game rigging and so on.

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Simon I see your point on religion all wars start on a Sunday and all wars are over religious issues, Oh and I to also despise football, sports should never be profesional as this in turn involves money and money also leads to coruption, which in turn leads to game rigging and so on.

Exactly, football is a game.. like tiddlywinks, kiss chase and air hockey..... not a profession like heart surgery, rocket engineering or even bricklaying... how can tossing a ball up and down a field be worth 100 grand a week...?  ???  :laugh:

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Simon every word you write could have come from my own mouth, I have always, always, said that this so called multicultral society does not work and never will work, we would ultimately be better off i we just stuck to our own countries where everybody thinks and belives the same, and we should stop sticking our noses into everybody elses buisness, Oh and the one thing thats absolutly imperative is that we get out of Europe, its just a drain on our country and we are the only idiots that abide by the frankly ludicrous rules these faceless burocrats dream up to justify their jobs and the obcene amounts of money they decide to pay themselves, the only countries that truly want to be in Europe are the old eastern bloc countries as they are getting the most benefits out of it.

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There's an echo in here...! Are we twins?!  :laugh:  :laugh:

Agree completely on Europe, it's time has been and gone, it has become an out of control self generating beurocracy... Our very own HSE for instance, is like a little micro-version of it, it becomes so autonomous that no one, even those who created it, can get control of it

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Simon every word you write could have come from my own mouth, I have always, always, said that this so called multicultral society does not work and never will work, we would ultimately be better off i we just stuck to our own countries where everybody thinks and belives the same, and we should stop sticking our noses into everybody elses buisness, Oh and the one thing thats absolutly imperative is that we get out of Europe, its just a drain on our country and we are the only idiots that abide by the frankly ludicrous rules these faceless burocrats dream up to justify their jobs and the obcene amounts of money they decide to pay themselves, the only countries that truly want to be in Europe are the old eastern bloc countries as they are getting the most benefits out of it.

What is 'our own country'? Where would we be without the rest of the world? I think it's sad that you have such xenophobic views the pair of you. :'(

I think I have to stop posting in this thread now because it's just encouraging you to get worse.

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Its not xenophobism, its just our country has gone to the dogs and we have lost our national identity, other countries still have a strong pride and sense of who they are, Ireland would be one I could name, but I think if you stick up for this country and its values you are seen as a racist and bigot and I am neither of those and would be highly offended to be branded so. I am sorry if my views dont gel with everybody and no offence is ment. I think we should draw a line under this topic before it turns into a possible slagging match.

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Not at all Jo, quite the opposite of xenophobic in fact.... I think the rest of the world's cultures are wonderful and individual countries and customs are wonderful when they devlop into a unified and defined nation, and not in a 'nimby' fashion, in a we should celebrate our differences rather than try to integrate everything into some social and cultural mush.... I love to travel, but what's the point in travelling if you can pick up the food from Malaysia in the supermarket or try to decipher public information signs the native tongue of Estonia in your local Post Office...  ???

There's a reason that other countries don't want our cultures in theirs, because it's their country and they like it that way and they're entitled to, if you want to live in their countries then you do so on their terms. Why is it so wrong for anyone in this country to suggest the same for our little island... without the public floggings and so on of course....  ???

This has all gone a bit OT, not a lot about fair trade models but some interesting stuff on fair trade itself, and it's supposed to be a balanced debate, not only are you entitled to your input but we need it, while we seem to be on opposite sides of the fence, there are still elements of your perspective which I agree with...  :)

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You see this is what happens, everybody is so paranoid about saying the wrong things nowadays for fear of being branded a Nazi or the like, we have been conditioned to not say anything atall, as I said the intergration does not seem to be working very well, if I went to a foriegn country I would respect their laws and cultures without even thinking about it, "when in Rome", but we are trying to foist our cultures upon people and countries that do not want it and will not have it, and certain cultures are trying to do this to us, why should we not be able to voice our opnions.

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right then... lets get this topic back on track if we can please people... in true FTF style we have rambled off on to a tangent.. well.. Simon hasd anyway  ::)>:(:D:-*

So... should be offer more support to our UK/Homeland based model producers ??? ...

If we did offer more support by buying more models would that ultimately lead to a reduced price as production volumes increase ??? ...

or is it that (say for example) a Martyn Reeve or a Dave Perdue costs the same ampount to produce if you make 1 or 1000 of them ???

come on... lets leave out the politics and do what we do best... discuss models

You see this is what happens, everybody is so paranoid about saying the wrong things nowadays for fear of being branded a Nazi or the like, we have been conditioned to not say anything atall, as I said the intergration does not seem to be working very well, if I went to a foriegn country I would respect their laws and cultures without even thinking about it, "when in Rome", but we are trying to foist our cultures upon people and countries that do not want it and will not have it, and certain cultures are trying to do this to us, why should we not be able to voice our opnions.

I think it's more a point that this topic is in farm toys general talk.. and was intended to be a debate about farm toy manufacture... it's not about being 'hushed' ... more a point of where the discussion is appropriate really... but it's no biggy... I'd just like to engage a few more people around the original issue posted if possible please
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God here comes Marky being all 'right' again  ::)  ;)  :laugh:  :-*

It did ramble OT, apologies, but it's always good to have a bit of background to a discussion  ???  ;)

I've been looking at the UH 7810 - a lot - this evening, and thinking how wonderful it is to finally have a decent production model, and what a tragedy that is for the likes of Dave Towse and Dave Purdue, and what a pain in the a*se it is for me with a load of Brian Norman bits for conversions..... 'tis a nice model though....  :-;)  ;D  Sorry Daves, I know where my cash is going...  :-\

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right then... lets get this topic back on track if we can please people... in true FTF style we have rambled off on to a tangent.. well.. Simon hasd anyway  ::)>:(:D:-*

So... should be offer more support to our UK/Homeland based model producers ??? ...

If we did offer more support by buying more models would that ultimately lead to a reduced price as production volumes increase ??? ...

or is it that (say for example) a Martyn Reeve or a Dave Perdue costs the same ampount to produce if you make 1 or 1000 of them ???

come on... lets leave out the politics and do what we do best... discuss models

I think it's more a point that this topic is in farm toys general talk.. and was intended to be a debate about farm toy manufacture... it's not about being 'hushed' ... more a point of where the discussion is appropriate really... but it's no biggy... I'd just like to engage a few more people around the original issue posted if possible please

hi  mark just a small example the first thing the casters ask is how many we are making if enough the tooling cost is added per model hence the cost of casting they look for between 500 to a 1000 pieces.

the resin mould lasts for about 50 castings then new tooling, the white metal between 300 to 500 castings hope this is some insite to your topic thanks dave

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blimey Dave... that is interesting and thanks for sharing those kind of details with us... 50 castings is very little  :of

So in summary Dave... would we be right in saying that (give or take) the cost of models doesn't reduce as the production number increases with your kind of low volume 'bespoke' manufacture ???

Simon.. I am ALWAYS right... even when I am wrong... bloody BMW drivers  >:(::):P:-*

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Marky I didn't mean we were being hushed on this forum FTF i meant we are being dumbed down in general. Sorry for any misunderstanding

right then... lets get this topic back on track if we can please people... in true FTF style we have rambled off on to a tangent.. well.. Simon hasd anyway  ::)>:(:D:-*

So... should be offer more support to our UK/Homeland based model producers ??? ...

If we did offer more support by buying more models would that ultimately lead to a reduced price as production volumes increase ??? ...

or is it that (say for example) a Martyn Reeve or a Dave Perdue costs the same ampount to produce if you make 1 or 1000 of them ???

come on... lets leave out the politics and do what we do best... discuss models

I think it's more a point that this topic is in farm toys general talk.. and was intended to be a debate about farm toy manufacture... it's not about being 'hushed' ... more a point of where the discussion is appropriate really... but it's no biggy... I'd just like to engage a few more people around the original issue posted if possible please

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right that's it... James is getting a nipple cripple  >:(:D :D  .. james... I love you... I share some, if not most of your views... BUT... please... lemon bloody flipping squeeze can we discuss the topic... go on... please... Dave P has just raised some valued points and I really want to drag em out into the playground and have some cracking good old FTF model debate about production costs etc..

go on.. I'll give you an FTF lollypop... jaffa cake flavoured... from Andy's bottom drawer in his big oak desk..  :P

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I see Dave's point and never did before so I appreciate that insight. Whether the model is limited to 50 or made in batches of 50 - 500 it is still going to cost the same for the model to be manufactured and thus, for us to buy. Have I understood that right?

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so.... assuming you are correct Trissy... and I must say I read it that way to... are we saying that to produce more 'cost effective' (resisted the temptation to use the word cheaper) models then the production method needs to change ???

If so... is there a method inbetween Dave Perdue's style of production to (say) UH style... and for that reckoning... a quality that's inbetween too ???

Dave... if it's not too personal to ask these kind of questions would you be able to shed a litle more light for us please ???

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