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just more crap for us farmers to deal with


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Would I be right in saying that as a contractor you charge a customer for the service you provide??

If this is the case, all contractors will be in the same boat who carry out the same type of work as you and as a result, it will be your customer who pays the cost of white deisel. The way I read that is that you can use red for agricultural work but must use white when doing jobs for main stream business such as sewage work.

Operators licencing

There are strong arguments for this, Operators licensing is a system put in place to ensure above all that vehicles are Inspected and maintained regularly and kept in a roadworthy condition. If someone wants to run a 7.5 tonne lorry they will need an operators licence, so realistically a 300HP tractor and trailer rig capable of being 50+ feet long and grossing over 30 tonnes when loaded should fall under this system more than the 7.5 tonne lorry.

And as for licencing, McMad + Fastrac + Old 40' trailer with a full load and no MOT, bought at an auction, brake linings worn, low effort on the brakes = a bus que of dead school children.

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Oh jesus this is now getting to become i know a few contractors that do haulage of products from a customers farm to another and will now have use white what a load of rubbish this is as really it is still an agricultural as farmer can't do it himself and if he did it would be safe as tractors havent had brakes tested and trailer doesnt even know what brakes up this is now getting overly complicated

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i have to say i would prefer to see a jcb fasttrac checked and maintained like a lorry,as they do shift as much weight round nowadays ,and they are being used to overcome the lorry regs at present ,hence why they are brining these rules in i would think,as doc said,poorly maintained jcb and large load could have fatil consequences

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i have to say i would prefer to see a jcb fasttrac checked and maintained like a lorry,as they do shift as much weight round nowadays ,and they are being used to overcome the lorry regs at present ,hence why they are brining these rules in i would think,as doc said,poorly maintained jcb and large load could have fatil consequences

JCB Fast Trac hit a school bus near here in a dip and killed a school boy. Trailer opened the bus up like a can!!!!

He was prosecuted as he was too fast going into the dip/ bend!!

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JCB Fast Trac hit a school bus near here in a dip and killed a school boy. Trailer opened the bus up like a can!!!!

He was prosecuted as he was too fast going into the dip/ bend!!

Caused by a PRATT not by white diesel or maintainance

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I agree it's crap but, it doesn't worry me unduly at the moment, 'cos I'm a 'traditional' farmer with all my land in one block, not an agribusiness, contractor or haulier using fastracs or whatever.  ;)

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I welcome it too, easy for me to say I know. With safety and proffesionalism in mind this is another one of those clauses that will sort out the men from the boys. Having seen farming in Germany, Holland, Eastern France there are alot of european farmers dare I say it, who are forward thinking and think way outside the box. The systems in place in Germany as regards to road use of agricultural vehicles should be a benchmark for us lot.

Alot of clauses are af course ludicrous (Santa for instance!!) but then there always will be. If an RHA style body was set up of farmers, contractor and plant machinery operators more could be done in their favour. It need the input of people in the industry, not on Parliament.

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its getting harder to make a living the fuel prices last season went up and  up .. now red  and white i have been on the phone most of the day trying to find out ... we have a sewage contract and keep 2 valtras on it but when its busy we stick a 3rd and somtimes 4th tractor and trailer on the job  we will now have to have and tractor that may go on the sewage job regisered on a"O" licence  and drain its tank and fill it on red .... pain in the arse we also haul sand out of our own quarry to some local farmers who use it for tracks ect that too  will have to run on white fuel ..... i think a option maybe to buy a 8 wheel truck but i think we would have to get some kind of opperators licence ...... we make sure all our trailers and towing implments have good brakes and 5 out of our 7 trailers are on air brakes any way  but i am worried about the fuel costs as ..as for the fastrac we dont like them they are to noticable to the police and there is a lot of contractors round here been stopped for speeding ..... one hire firm got done for towing 3 samson spreaders through a 30 mph village at 45mph ..

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I heard you can't switch tractors between the fuels Ade. A mate of mine runs slurry tanks on sediment collection using tractor/tanker outfits. His farm slurry tankers have to meet the same guidlines as our artic trailers do with all the same safety devices as it is but when he has nowt on his tractor goes hedge cutting, on red diesel. If this law passes he will have to leave it stood up and use another tractor for hedgetrimming as the slurry hauler will have to stay on white only, farm will be red only.

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You will need an operators licence either way then but don't worry too much, they aren't too difficult to get, first stop is a course for one of you to get your CPC (certificate of professional competence) for road haulage operations, quite easy when I did mine.

OR you could be clever and pay an outside maintainance contractor who has one to come and do your inspections every 6 weeks, A small price to pay really as they will keep up to scratch with new regulations etc. ?;)

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dont no what to do for the best    not going to be happy  as we would also have to take on a hgv driver  as no one has got one  our next door farmer is also a lorry man so i may aproch him about  his cpc..

You will need an operators licence either way then but don't worry too much, they aren't too difficult to get, first stop is a course for one of you to get your CPC (certificate of professional competence) for road haulage operations, quite easy when I did mine.

OR you could be clever and pay an outside maintainance contractor who has one to come and do your inspections every 6 weeks, A small price to pay really as they will keep up to scratch with new regulations etc.  ;)

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dont no what to do for the best not going to be happy as we would also have to take on a hgv driver as no one has got one our next door farmer is also a lorry man so i may aproch him about his cpc

better get the right driver then & keep the equipment to the highest standard , if your machinery isn't up to scratch or the driver is too lax & he gets stopped by the VI, your neibour is going to be held accountable & if really unfortunate he could well have his opperators license suspended ,or worse revoked . :-\

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  • 2 weeks later...

JCB Fast Trac hit a school bus near here in a dip and killed a school boy. Trailer opened the bus up like a can!!!!

He was prosecuted as he was too fast going into the dip/ bend!!

In the local papers this week, the Fasttrac driver was found not guilty. The judge criticised the bus driver, who was not prosecuted, for going too fast into the bend and the bus leaning over across the white lines towards the Fasttrac.

He also stated he thought the Fasttrac driver was driving safely!

Put down as an accident. ???

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