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Starting selling models?

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Hi All,

Just looking a little bit of advice from some of you on here with a bit more experience than me.

Ive been a model collector for a few years and bought and sold some models, but now looking to go into it in a more serious way. just wondering were is the best place to get stock from of the most popular makes of models? What sort of percentage profit is to be made in them?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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As a buyer albeit hardly at the moment! I would question whether now is the right time for any hobby sales related venture. Their can't be much in it because there is is very little price difference between traders both on and off line. If the talk on here about the economic low point having not been reached and shelves being still well stocked in traders' stores and the forthcoming dispersal of said stock on the cheap then I'd continue collecting and let others take the risks.

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I have to say I agree with Tris on this one. I still dabble in selling models but there's too many long established dealers out there who buy in greater quantities and will get better discounts than the small model dealer making it a very uneven and unfair playing field biased to the bigger boys/girls. Just look at the latest UH releases and all those upcoming ones along with those already available then you are going to have to spend a few thousand pounds just to stock a few of each available. In order to get the discounts you will also need to buy trade case quantities which can be anything from 2 to 12 models in UH's case.

Given the current trading environment I think you're better off not taking on a project such as this for the time being ;)

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