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Tractor magazines?

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Are the any regular magazines that deal mainly with curent and new tractors?

I have enjoyed a couple of issues of Tractor Magazine but my main interest is modern machinery.

Additionally are there any good books that cover mostly modern equipment?



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The most widely read will probably be Classic Tractor http://www.classictractormagazine.co.uk/ which has a good mix of machines from the 70's right up to the present day.

If it is models you are after look no further than our own Model Farmer magazine  http://www.modelfarmer.com/

Treat yourself to a subscription today  ;) ;) ::) ::)::) ::)::)

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Thanks all!

yep, profi.com just fits the bill :)

Think I migjt subscribe to the online version as it looks like you can also access older articles too.

I had a look at classic tractor in smiths but seems to be a lot about restoration rather than just articles about the machines.

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Good point reference restorations in Classic Tractor. However, if you check out the next issue, cover dated October and published end of August, I think you'll find lots of working tractors in farming environments....from MF 3000 Series up to the very latest Quadtracs.

Might be worth a look if that's what you are looking for.

R Day

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hard to please some people. theres mags out there for all tastes. theres some work gettinG mag out for end of each month. just keep the features and info cominG rory...

Someone send BD a letter G for his keyboard please  ::):)

When it comes to a magazines I don't think it is very hard to please everyone. There are magazines for just about everything these days. Info was requested on a magazine with a heavy emphasis on modern machinery at work, PROFI is that magazine and I would put a few quid on Aif.350d being pretty pleased with it!  :)

If it were a collective mix of restored and working classics, modern classics, modern machinery, classifieds. . . Then I am sure he would be equally pleased with Classic Tractor or some of the other well known titles out there.

If it were models. .... well, there is only one magazine catering for this. .. ... Model. ... ahem.  .. .. sniff. ... . Farmer!!  ;D ;D

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Deere-est & BD Contracts,

Absolutely agree with you 100%. There are magazines for virtually every taste out there, veteran, vintage, classic, modern, even single marques. The only point I was making is that Classic Tractor isn't really about 'restorations'. This is a word that we try to avoid and rarely appears in the magazine, since our 'overhaul' pieces are often on classics that go back to work. In fact, the general theme and focus tends to be working classics as opposed to too much show-field stuff.


R Day

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I may be digressing from the topic slightly but I agree with you Rory, a restored tractor that will probably never return to the field and only come out of a hermatically sealed shed for showing purposes does nothing to float my particular boat other than being nice to see an example preserved, especially if restored properly. Tractors were made to work and should be restored to a state to which they are capable of again doing what they were made for. If a tractor is particularly rare or parts are virtually non existant to maintain for a working environment then I can fully accept the other aspect.

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Apologies if my comments offended. That was not the intention and also I did not realise there were members on here connected to Class Tractor.

The couple issues I had looked at seemed to have quite a few overhaul articles which was not what I am after. I certainly wouldn't assume though that others are not interested in those articles. In fact judging by the speed it dissapears at my local smiths, quite the opposite :)

Not being a farmer (other than by name!) Machinery owner or mechanically minded, I enjoy more reading about the machines and either the history if it is an old model or as in Profi, the technology.

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