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Baling with uncle kermit

Guest Fendt pwr

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Guest Fendt pwr

A relation to the 3350 I used to drive before it went down the road.I made 120 bales of grass seed straw in 6.5 hours with this 3140  the other day.

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Guest Fendt pwr

FP-Yer thats very good going for an older baler,a long paddock also helps because your not runing the baler with nothing going in to it as much on the ends.I could have got maybe one or two more bales done but old kermit just did'nt have anything more to give so I was a bit limted by the tractor.

NH2-It's not a bad baler,if you don't keep an eye on it though you can plug the pick up in the corners.I make a beter bale now than when I frist drove it so like most kit it's the driver that makes the diffrance.

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120??? 6.5 hrs??? you sleepin?????

Get a move on sham??

What speed u moving at?? Snails pace in reverse??

If that deere anything like i think the oil flow aint very impressive?? Opening an closing the door slow can make a big difference in a long day!!  ::) ::)::)

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Guest Fendt pwr

Very nice pics Oli, could you possibly get some pics of the grass straw. I'm intrigued to see what it looks like ??? ??? ???

I'll try NC,the straw may have been carted by now though.Rye grass seed straw kind of looks like crappy meadow hay.
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Guest Fendt pwr

120??? 6.5 hrs??? you sleepin?????

Get a move on sham??

What speed u moving at?? Snails pace in reverse??

If that deere anything like i think the oil flow aint very impressive?? Opening an closing the door slow can make a big difference in a long day!!? ::) ::)::)

I was driving in 6th low @ 2300 rpm,Like I said the 3140 had nothing more to give and the baler is not very modern so I think 120 bales is good going considering the age of the gear.

I don't open the door right up to let the bale out because like you say opening and closing the door takes to long,the second I see the bale start rolling out I start shuting the door.

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Guest Fendt pwr

Sheep & cattle are fed it with there silage/greenfeed crops.If you get a cold day in winter the stock will eat all up and leave nothing,they seem to like it in moderation.

It's worth buggar all money but you need to take it off the paddock,the bales in the picture will be feed out to dairy cows this coming winter.

750 ewes will eat 1 of them bales every day plus a fresh strip of greenfeed rape/kale,if they don't eat it they sleep on it witch is no big deal when the stock are out side in the snow sometimes.

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