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Nice forward control JCB

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NCC a local contractor bales whole crop wheat and Maize for dairy farmers here. He cuts the maize with a tripple claas dicso on a Fendt 818 and bales it with a claas Quadrant and wraps with a big bale wrapper. The maize is easy to bale once it's been cut, the only problem is the weather if it's too wet the tractor and baler just plough. If the vredo is as good as they say I could see it catching on big time. Bales are very handy for mixing in wagons, getting the feed balance right.

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NCC a local contractor bales whole crop wheat and Maize for dairy farmers here. He cuts the maize with a tripple claas dicso on a Fendt 818 and bales it with a claas Quadrant and wraps with a big bale wrapper. The maize is easy to bale once it's been cut, the only problem is the weather if it's too wet the tractor and baler just plough. If the vredo is as good as they say I could see it catching on big time. Bales are very handy for mixing in wagons, getting the feed balance right.

I agree 100% on bales being handy for feed rations etc. I've baled wholecrop barley and wheat before with the Welger RP and agree it's very easy to bale. Just suffered from slight grain loss, with the pickup bashing it about a bit. Never knew you could bale maize straight out of the field though, doesn't the Claas struggle chopping 8ft of maize and how the hell does the Quadrant pick it up?? Some info on that would be great, sounds very interesting.

I just can't see how the Vredo will catch on. I remember Orkel did something similar with the stationary short fibre baler/wrapper that never really progressed into something big like everyone said it would and I would say the Orkel looks a better machine than the Vredo. If you think about it there both trying to bale wood shavings in effect, which I would say is nigh on impossible, you need some force to compact them enough so they keep there shape, but then you have to cart them from the field and then stack them where they could lose there shape even more.

Just my humble opinion that, I suppose time will tell on whether the Vredo takes off or not, I'm guessing the latter option unfortunately :-\ :-\

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NCC I'll get a few pics if  he bales this year. It was a bit of a task though, but the quad is one hell of a baler. The maize was baled because one corner of the field is on a steep hill and the lower end is soft. He baled about 3 acres but it did take him at least an hour to do. The bales worked out ok no muck got hauled in.

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