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Who made the Lely Combine Model?


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Hello All,

I read, and saw, the Scratch built model of the Lely Combine shown at Spaldings show this year in the lateds Classic Tractor Magasine.

Apparently its creator was a gentleman called Sean Pullen, does anyone have his contact details please?

Thank You


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Hello Sean,

I've been trying to get hold of you for a while now, apparently we were both at the Great Malvern show in March, you had called on a stand a few mins before I got there, most annoying!!

The reason I was trying to find you was, my father and I have a Lely Combine, that's still in use every year, I was going to suggest you use her to take some measurements etc...

But now you've made one, I guess I'm too late? :(

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oh yeah a drive would be great, have a feeling i know what stand your on about, his name eludes me right now, but he sells brouchures ect along with models, andy the forum owner knows him, he had a sales brouchure he wouldnt part with  ;D ;D ;D  think you had bought it??

but thanks for the offer, great to know theres some still out there working hard

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It would be great to see a few photos of your Lely combine in action Tom. The only Lely machine I've ever seen has been sitting in someone's front garden looking a bit sorry for itself.

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