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Not sure if this has been suggested already, but for crops like carrots, machines such as the two below are used to sort the earth from the carrots and load them into a lorry. These machines are just parked in the field and the tractor and trailer just tip into the bunker which then takes the carrots up to a sorting roller which "jiggles" the carrots about to remove the worst of the earth and then the earth is deposited onto the ground and the carrots taken up by conveyor into the bulk tipper.



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Guest Fendt pwr

Now all you need is the girl with the yellow top from the potatoe farm standing on the side of it and your away laughing ::)

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Guest Fendt pwr

Good work FB then we can start work!,I want be driving the tractor today as I feel I should spend my time giving the new girl a few pionters on the pros and cons of working on the sorter. :D :D

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Back to the topic  ;D Similar machines are used for sugar beet.  Usually it is the recipient lorry that blocks the road as it is being filled.

BTW it's obviously catching now with 2 of you getting excited over 1/32 farm girls.

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Guest Fendt pwr

Back to the topic? ;D Similar machines are used for sugar beet.? Usually it is the recipient lorry that blocks the road as it is being filled.

BTW it's obviously catching now with 2 of you getting excited over 1/32 farm girls.

Jealousy will get you no place fast fenryk. :D

Lucky for me and FB we got there frist,My lisa is a nice girl when ya get to know her and not deserving of all the neg talk her top half attracts ;)

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The green eyed monster is not anywhere around I can assure you  :D :D  I could say that I'm more than happy with the real thing but that could sound smug  ;)  Anyway, as the years advance the brain becomes more important than the body.  Some of us get lucky and find both  8) 8)

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i have done that the+is she is well exrensed in all things night time thats what a farmer like me the - is she is a vegon and us farmers dont need to meny of them around but i am happey with her and she is happey with me we ant the best looking cuple or the most good like but we are happey and if any one whats to say any thing other wise they can get stuffed if you ask me and thats the best way to be happey you can have all the money in the world but if you ant happey it no good

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