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Sparrow court Farm

Mike R

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I have spend the summer revamping Sparrow court Farm in my loft It now has two farm areas the lower farm is Sparrow court Farm which is an older style farm with Pigs, Cows and a few sheep , they also grow a few apples in the orchard This needed some new machinery after looking around I decided to build a apple box carrier which is used on many farms local to where I live here in Kent which transport the boxes from the orchard to the farm yard along winding narrow lanes.Look out for the pictures which will come up in due course.

The larger farm comprises of modern buildings beef stock building some grazing on the farm fruit and veg growers and a large wheat Barley and rape fields The farm invested in a new automatic grain plant, Machinery storage areas and a large silage area.

Pictures to be follow.

More on sparrow court Farm to follow

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The Machinery we use on sparrow court is basically out of date so we rely on a local Agricultural contractor with the lastest kit to do the big works but we run with a couple of

Muir Hill tractors

a Ford 6640

a Ford 6600

a Ford 7000

and 2 New Holland Ts 125 and a TL80

all other tractors and contracted in

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Looks good, Mike. Just wondering, will we get to see your contractors CX6090 around the farm at all? ;)

Yes The contractor has a NH CR9090 New one on demo from local dealer and The Farm has just purchased a CX6090 which will be in some pics later on when I finish the fields.

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I am amazed at that, I collect Britains among other models and find it hard to beleive that they need such big headers on every combine in the britains range Its nice to see a smaller combine back in the range now Its a pitty it does not come with a header trailer and a tow hook, I hope to get some pics up next week end if not sooner.

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I agree, Mike. The lack of header trailers with these models, especially the more toy like ones is just daft. Reading Warner Halls articles over the past couple of tears it seems most of his ideas are the basis of what we still want now, 20 - 30 years on!!

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come on mike, the suspense of seeing the new holland combine is giving me itchy feet,tried google again and can only see the standard britains picture of it

G&M must have exclusivity on the model...I go through loads of other online sellers, farmphoto, GTP etc...can't find it anywhere else!

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I was quite surprised the real 6090 can be fitted with the 30 foot header...I guess Britains thought the previous one would do hence no new one. Looks fine to me though

i suppose when you think about it joe 35,40 and 45 feet tables are the norm now, so 30 feet headers are now mid range combines
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