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whats going on down in our farm


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This is a topic where i will post pictures of whats going on around our farm.not much is going on this time of year.afew cows calving had our first one calved yesturday and another one in today


this years silage isnt that bad even tho it came in,in the rain


heres afew pictures of the contractor doing silage at my house this year



DSCF0644.jpgwill have more pictures later .....thanks for looking

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  • 5 weeks later...

our silage isnt that bad now thought it would be worst as it was going in wet and tis not going fast either ! thank god


john deere on the keenan (do with a wash)


the jcb 3cx does all the work puts the silage into the keenan with the buckeet better then any shear grab ! also pushes in the silage



the job i have for the week im off doing this up.....alot of sweat and money will go into this!


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