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East Yorkshire farming photos

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Hi yes Bob can you pm us how to do that please was wondering how the others got bigger pics :of & yep JD6910 your right & same as you would like a little look , the  pics of young stock was not far from there so may be theres  :of as well


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 Hi  a few  pics of   spud planting at Camblesforth nr Drax power station  on 10/05/13  -- 4 fendt & a mf   working away on job -- Due too it raining & blowing like mad pics not too good , im afraid  was taken using me old camera  - Think David will know of this spud gang ???





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And finally for today just to show i not totally byus to big kit heres a few of the old tractors i ve seen over the years here in the local area 8)





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 Hi  a few  pics of   spud planting at Camblesforth nr Drax power station  on 10/05/13  -- 4 fendt & a mf   working away on job -- Due too it raining & blowing like mad pics not too good , im afraid  was taken using me old camera  - Think David will know of this spud gang ???


I'll be honest Jon i'm not sure who that particular gang is working for. I know of at least three growers with land down in that direction. I've had a couple of trips up and around the Drax area earlier in the year on my way to see other machines working. There's certainly plenty interesting things lurking in farm yards around that area. I remember taking photographs at a ploughing match near Camblesforth back in 2003, and also had a tour of the Drax power station when I was still in Young Farmers Club. :)


The weather has been very patchy around here recently, lots of heavy and blustery showers in amongst the brief sunny spells. Not the best for photography.


Great to see those "archive" photographs of the tractors you used to operate too Jon. :)  

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 Hi - do you mean the horse plough matchs  that they use to do not far from Camblesforth ??? on that sand land by side of road   David  ?  - I do wish ed i taken pics of the rest of the tractors i ve driven  but in them days no one really did  that   only the local vicar ! -- these are tracts i ve no pics off  which was  mf 135,165,185, then upgrade too  575,590,690,2640 & DB/case 1390 ,990  &JD1630/40 not sure ? again i cant remember getting a little older  also mf . nh & claas combines & a solo beet harvester -- Thats why i like to go to the York farm sales takes me back

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 Hi - do you mean the horse plough matchs  that they use to do not far from Camblesforth ??? on that sand land by side of road   David  ?  - I do wish ed i taken pics of the rest of the tractors i ve driven  but in them days no one really did  that   only the local vicar ! -- these are tracts i ve no pics off  which was  mf 135,165,185, then upgrade too  575,590,690,2640 & DB/case 1390 ,990  &JD1630/40 not sure ? again i cant remember getting a little older  also mf . nh & claas combines & a solo beet harvester -- Thats why i like to go to the York farm sales takes me back



Spot on Jon. They had half the field dedicated to horse ploughing, whilst there was also a vintage hydraulic class in attendance. All my photographs that day were taken on one of those cheap plastic disposable cameras. Fun day. :)


I still don't think there are all that many people taking photographs of working machinery in North and East Yorkshire judging by some of the conversations i've had with farmers, contractors, and operators i've spoken to whilst taking pictures. I've managed to accumulate around 40,000 photos in the last 3 to 4 years and even now it still feels like i've barely seen the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Lots more fascinating machinery to discover I hope! :)


That's certainly a fine list of tractors you've driven John. Really fancy another trip to the York sale. In amongst a huge amount of "scrap" there are a few gems to be found along with a whole host of older classic implements and machinery. :) 

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 Hi   david i ve got maybe only 10 pics of my time farming  over the  whole time  all on paper / film  too - yep its so easy now  adays to do 100 sof pics in an  sec if need be    where before  what 36 a film  7 thats  it   oh they was the days ::)  I often have to stop me kid brother from buying the rubbish there at York   :of   he s a little so so for the cheap stuff that wont ever work again always thinks  gold under that rust :-X  :-X  :-X some there is but often there more rust  

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Hi  - you better not be too rude Ol :of mate -    Yep mate it would be in the early 80s  thats  outside a  old girl friends house who happened to live down same road as me mum !  -  i d call in for some dinner  at me mothers as  at  that time the  farm i was working for  had land in 3 /4 different areas  so we d travel a bit - That 590 did some road miles as we also was potatoe traders & id go out miles away to pick up the  spud s  both  boxes / bags   ( 7 ton on a weeks trailer ) here  &  there before  returning them to yard to reload on to the hgv s  all hand ball as well no facny loaders like today lads have !!!!  -  Im not much different to day Ol 8)  still under 10st in weight  but  the big mustache / glasses have gone O0   O0 I can still see the  kids faces in my mind as they ed race pass me on there push bikes ;D  at me in cab as   that 590  would only may be  do 20 mph flat  out >:(  with a full load on her back not like the 40km they ll do to day  ----  oh well rant over

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Not a lot on the tractor front well in fact nothing !!! so heres a few photos from Skipsea castle from this weekend Sunday 19th of May best of both world for me as a ruin well sort of & some very nice cattle to get to see enjoy ::) - What looks like a hill in 1st pic is the mound where the castle use to stand in days gone by ,but you do get some great views from the top but id think that the cattle running in there may put some of as there next too you - but if you follow the countryside rules you ll be fine :)





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 Out walking in the woods  near South Cave in East Yorks & came a cross this different type of JD  tractor  well not really a tractor  but  a logger of some kind  but its a JD so thinking  i add it on to me photos ::)





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 Hi +  not too much in the way of tractors been seen here about me at Goole  at this time so i when off to the York sales & found a few there !     Reds are best they alway s come first so we ll have a few of them to get you all going some what




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This one for you mate ::)  -- when i was farming the farm i  was on used Mf s & the next store farm used Fords well there  was no love lost between us lads ,  we  d do our best to out do  each other   at any opportunity  as some of the fields had no hedges between them   so it was a clear race  , dont think that s pc now adays   :police:




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 Not a lot in the way of real old stuff there this time ,  but i was a lot earlyer then normal  -- its mainly nearly new tractors & some older kit that mainly goes over to the EU via a well know local s/h tractor dealer  - did find the 1st plough i d use many moons ago  to photo off





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 Hi yes there was a few good looking tractors  & not too old i had to go before tractor sale started so dont know what they made-- did you go to sale JD 6910 ??????




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 Hi yes the feed in the  cafe  is  well a big full plate  full !    well if i have a full dinner it keeps me going for a week ::)  i dint think there was asmany  buyers there this time & the tractor kit was nearly new condition & dealers seem to buy most of the kit  -- did you have a look at the sale on Friday at Spaldington airfield at all ;)

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When to the open farm day on Sunday at  the local co-op farm this is a big set up about here only have large modern kit  , it was great to have a little look & the little kids had a great time as they was all allow to climb on every tractor going ;D  -- The farm had just taken delivery of its new tractor fleet - not too sure of how the  tractor drivers felt see  there  new Case/Ih 450 with 5/6 little sets of feet on her ::)





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