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Orkney model show 2013


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Well thats it from me from the Orcades two day show last September. The Saturday was quieter in terms of the spectating public but by the end of day one they had covered the hire of the centre and Magnus estimated they had been 400 to 500 spectators over the two days. The nominated show charity was the West Mainland Scouts who run and provide activities for children on the island. The show is held every two years in Orkney and the 2014 one the Club will travel to Shetland. Will I return to the Orcades show again....Oh yes I certainly would like to in years to come since i think it is a wonderful island with great inhabitant's.

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No problems Kenny I'm glad you liked what was on offer. Sailing ...yes once bitten twice shy ...so when I go over in August for the Dounby, County and vintage shows I'll be driving to Giles Bay and taking the hour crossing so fingers crossed shorter sailing and not so long of the dreaded sea sickness should it strike ;D  ;D

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