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Dingwall academy model show

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This topic should be under events and shows but hopefully a moderator will move it there.


Count me in again Callum assuming the Glens of Foudland are not blocked with snow ;D  ;D  Last year was a great first show and it was amazing the amount of money you raised and was ploughed back into your school.

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  • 3 months later...

When I was at the Grampian Miniature Diecast Collectors Fayre at the Treetops Darren Nutall from Tekno said he would be keen to attend Dingwall in 2014 if the next event at the TT was Sunday 16th 2014. When I spoke to Stewart Duncan he said he would not be keen to do Dingwall on the Saturday and then Aberdeen on the Sunday. After mentioning this to the chairman Alan Kinnear he said the most likely date for their date would be Sunday 30th March 2014. So if I were a betting man I would say Stewart will be going to Dingwall but probably not Darren. But time will tell.


Angus Plumb was asking when the event was and he is keen to exhibit his mecanno after hearing who good a show it was from fellow collectors Gordon and Shelia Stewart.

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No worries Callum I'll get posters printed and get some to Stewart Duncan who will take to Falkirk for the event in January, February and March 2014 and also to his customers in and around Aberdeen. I'll wait until after the New Year and get posters in to B A Stores, Aberdeen and Nortehrn marts and also the local tractor dealers etc. I'll be going down to the Forfar Marts for a sale of vintage tractors mind January so I'll get some posters and also reduce and get some flyers made since there will be a big audience at that sale who like real tractors and possibly models as well.

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  • 1 month later...

I was speaking to Stewart Duncan yesterday and he was saying he had put out quite a few posters at Falkirk a week past Sunday including a new chap who wants to display from Oban. Stewart was saying he had given an entry form to skitterbox chas who had been in past him the day after I dropped off the posters and some entry forms. Have you many entry forms back?

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When I was attending the George Mutch vintage tractor and implement sale at the Lawrie and Symington mart at Forfar  yesterday I asked the manager / auctioneer Scott Naismith if it would be alright to leave posters to promote the Dingwall show. He was delighted to do so after hearing the success of the first show and the amount of money that was raised for the school. 50 odd posters and two entry forms were left on the windowsill of the main entrance by the end of the day there was only one entry form left and very few posters. There must have been several hundred folk at the sale so hopefully that will get them speaking about the show and spreading the word to others.



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I had not planned to display this year but Callum's dad twisted my right arm today so I said I would take the same Case / International / David Brown display as I had at Freuchie since well it prolonged the task of putting the models back in the various tough crates in the loft until a later date ;D  ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just had a call from Rob Neeshman who has now rellocated back to Cumbria. He is coming up to the show so we plan to meet up in Inverness on the Friday evening. That reminds me I must get some more posters printed off and delivered to B A Stores and some of the local agricultural dealers since the show is only over 6 weeks away. Talking to Callum's dad at the DMR event in Freuchie from what he is saying the show should be even bigger and better than year one with the addition of the craft fair in the dining area and a display of vintage vehicles including, tractors, lorries and cars etc at the front of the academy as well as some modern tractors and preime movers.

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Yesterday I stopped of at B A Stores and spoke to Patsy Brownie. She remember about advertising the show last year and was delighted to hear the amount of funds Callum had raised for his school so she has taken 10 posters to put down for customers once they clear a large new order of Britain's Next stop was the Massey Ferguson dealers Balgownie at Inverurie where again they took 10 posters. I was going to the mart at Thainstone as well but being Friday and market day it looked to busy for me but I will look in next week since there is also a store within which sells models.

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On my travels today I stopped in past Marshall's Farm Shop & Tea Room (affiliated to Marshall's Trailer's)  between Blackburn and Kintore and managed to get one of the assistant's to put up a poster at the till. She was delighted to hear Callum had raised over £ 2,000 for his school last year and remembers me asking Mrs Marshall to display a poster last year. Once seen and heard never forgotten ;D  ;D  8)


Next stop was at the Karcher Store at Aberdeen & Northern Marts at Thainstone near Inveruire and a visit to the Karcher Store who sell Bruder and Britain's model's. After telling the lady assistant about the success of last years show and the money raised for the school she said she would put a poster up in the window since although they were not open on a Sunday  she said it was always busy with people at the Sunday market and the car boot sales.

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When I got home today I had a message on my answering machine from Mike Watt from Oldmeldrum the chairman of the GVRS rally at Oldmeldrum but he did not leave a number and said he would be back in touch. Anyway I thought he was arranging exhibits for the 50th rally this year since I had previously indicated to Alan Sharpe the secretary myself and my late dad took my 1957 Nuffield and my 1941 Farmall A to the 25th show in 1989 and we won 1st and 2nd but that is so long ago I don't know which won was first or second and I would like to take the same pair their 25 years on.


Not having Mike's number to hand I looked in the GVRS website and saw the Dingwall Model Show was being advertised...I must have mass emailed the poster from Callum to GVRS as well. I must send Alan a thank you email.




Anyway Mike is looking to get a model show going at the British Legion in Oldmeldrum to raise funds for the Legion and is proposing it be on a Saturday when they have a soup and sandwich day...more details to follow in a separate post.

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Nice to see Joe Watson the farming editor of the press and Journal has done a write up about young Callum Morrison (who turns 16 tomorrow) show which is on 3 weeks today Saturday the 15th March 2014. 


Joe reports there are 40 exhibitors / sellers coming from as far as Caithness  in the North to Folkstone in the South. Looking back to the show report I did last year for Model farmer there were around 33 so it is good to see the show is on the increase and will host a craft section including dolls houses for the girls and ladies.


The show will raise funds for Dingwall Academy's support base which helps pupils with a range of problems, such as hearing and sight issues, spectrum disorders, dyslexia and mobility. In addition cash will also go to the Teenage Cancer trust and Tanzania Challenge being undertaken by othe Dingwall Academy pupils. 


Last year over £ 1,500 was raised from Callums show and another £ 500 from the sale of soup and sandwiches.


I will be displaying some of my Britain's Case and International tractors but will probably be floating about like a butterfly and stinging like a bee getting photo's and details for another Model Farmer magazine article.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well not long now to Callum's second show which by all accounts is looking to be bigger and better than the first and catering for families and not just the boys. men and gentlemen. I met up with Albert Irvine and his wife Dot from Inverurie today and he was saying he had not had any confirmation back but well it is early days yet and I'm sure his entry has been accepted. His wife Dot was keen on going as well but with Albert's grandson and all the models she did not think their would be room....Albert retorted there would be space on the roof and then said there would be plenty room in the car depending on how many models he took ;D  ;D

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Good luck Callum  show day is coming fast, you have done your bit and I am sure it will be a fantastic show just enjoy the day. Wish I could get up but not possible.

Will look forward to reading show report. 

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Only 2 sleeps away until Callum's show and I'm really looking forward to a busy and packed and fun filled weekend. Callum has invited me round on the Sunday morning to see his updated collection since last year. In addition he has arranged an afternoon visit to a nearby farm where he works to view the vintage tractor collection of Richard the farmer.Richard has two Ransomes combines either a 801 or 802 so armed with tape line we will be taking measurements and photos for a renowned model scratch builder on here who plans to build a scale model.



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Got the day off tomorrow so will have plenty of time to pack the van and get organised, going up to stay in Inverness tomorrow night so that I only have a hop skip and a jump over the kessock bridge and I'll be there, see you all Saturday morning

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