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Dingwall academy model show

farm models

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Oh aye, he'll be there Bill, been harping on about it for a while now! His little brother Dexter will also be in attendance, at only 4.months old I doubt he will know what's goin on but if he's anything like Barron he will love anything with wheels. You will need to take a picture of them both for your show report for model tractor as Barron made it into model tractor at the tender age of 6 months at the first model show in Aberdeen, crickey, how time flys!

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Early boat tomorrow as the afternoon one is under review due to the forecast.Will see you all around oneish on Saturday as I will be at the implement sale in the morning weather depending.


I hope you get a good crossing John.


Oh aye, he'll be there Bill, been harping on about it for a while now! His little brother Dexter will also be in attendance, at only 4.months old I doubt he will know what's goin on but if he's anything like Barron he will love anything with wheels. You will need to take a picture of them both for your show report for model tractor as Barron made it into model tractor at the tender age of 6 months at the first model show in Aberdeen, crickey, how time flys!


Am sure we can get some photos of them Dode...good to start them young in the hobby.


Barron at the first Dyce show.



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Got the day off tomorrow so will have plenty of time to pack the van and get organised, going up to stay in Inverness tomorrow night so that I only have a hop skip and a jump over the kessock bridge and I'll be there, see you all Saturday morning



Very windy up here in Inverness and I heard the Kessock Bridge was closed to high sided vehicles. Hopefully your van won't fall into that category and teh winds will have abated by morning ;D  ;D   

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Just not long got settled into a guest house after being at Callum's show which looked to be even busier than last year possibly because of the additional craft hall for the ladies and girls and also the outdoor show of vintage vehicles. Good to see some new traders this year and also new displays and also folk from last year with changed displays. The only issue I had was getting a photo of Callum but I did eventually near the end of the show ;D  ;D

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Steven Duncan from Nairn who I have known since he was knee high brought along this engine which he imported from Canada 5 years ago.






Tidy looking JD




This timber haulier had quite a tight turn in to miss the gate and the pole. I did ask if he would reverse out and come in again so I could get a better photo but he retorted with two words which I won't print here ;D  ;D




There were actually 3 mini's on show but this is the only one I got a picture of...maybe the Italian Job is on on Dingwall tonight....but I did not see the bus around ;D  ;D





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The Dingwall vet was there with his model railway and his roaring coo...but at least he was put out with the slot cars between the two halls this year. I did say to some folk that coo needed a drink of water or to be put down....well there were two "knackery" lorries from William Moir and Mike Taylor who could have transported the dead beast away ;D  ;D






Doll's houses made for Callum's younger sister Catriona by Callum's grandad Tony a retired joiner.





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I can only say the show was bigger and better than the first one Paul and Callum and dad Mark and mum Debbie  should be well pleased with what they as a family achieved yesterday. I had only one criticism about the show and that was the width of some of the aisles and also a dead end aisle. I did mention this to Mark since I think it is good to get feedback be it positive or negative.The show was well supported with sellers coming from the far north from John a Groats to Dover in the south. To the west there were two exhibitors from Oban and spectator wise I spoke to four Orcadians who made the trip across from Orkney for the show.

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Well done to Callum  and all who helped bring this ever growing hobby out for the public to experience, the wider the variety the more interest shown. Looks as if you had a good day.

thanks for the pics Bill.  

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