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Alford Heritage Centre Ploughing Match 2013


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Today I attended the competition match above but after yesterday I had better look and learn and what a good day I had. No photos as yet...but if interested try a few of these for those like Paul and David who like myself like County's and Farmall / International ;D  ;D






And one old Nash and what kind of plough???



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You are welcome Steve...it was and enjoyable day with 35 entries and also 6 County's from the Scottish County Club coming along for a warm up for their working day next weekend. Now some photos from yesterday.


My chosen victim for the feering and the first 12 furrows was Eric Proctor. I didn't even ask Eric since he is a collector of all things Nash and Farmall and i have know  him for many years. He has been ploughing with trailing ploughs for around 10 years now and is a "nae bad hand".












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1st 12 furrows done and then wait until neighbour 1 up no 9 finishes and plough to him....( hmmm....now that is where I lost the plot on Saturday at the Desside one)








Now time for a wander over the 27 acre field and see the other competitors before coming back to see Eric and his finish...well I failed miserably at that since I got waylaid taking a couple of videos of the County boys in blue in action but hey ho I think I learned a little bit more from watching and speaking to Eric.





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