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orchard farm and contractors !

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Busy week this week with the last 250 acres of whole drop being munched off and  the boys gearing up for wheat it's all systems go and the machines being stretched to the limit ! With the spreaders on for Alex spreading compost and thesilage team out , time for the boys on the balers to get in gear and 1st stop on wheat , a short trip down to Oakley getting us underway ! Stubble cultivations also well underway preparing for cover crops & sheep keep ! Silly time about to start !!!!










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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

As 2016 harvest now just behind us , the combine & header behind washed off greased up and packed away for the winter ,attention turning to autumn operations now ! Friday saw the discs come out on stubble grounds ,decision taken to try and break up some of the concrete like stubbles on the farm , in preparation for 200 acres of stubble turnips to get in the ground , on the lighter ground the ploughs been out ripping it's way through 350 acres . Next job on the hitlist getting the potato equipment ready for spud digging !






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  • 2 weeks later...

Times as busy as ever at Orchard , with autumn cultivations now well under way and nearly every tractor in the yard out things are getting stretched ! 1 story this week should see all the winter sheep feed of turnips and kale planted and rolled in , with both drills out a fair bit of acreage being put behind us now . Yesterday's job saw myself go for a little trip down to Compass tractors to finally pick up the new amazone 6 furrow that's been on order for the last 6 weeks , watch this space as more deals in the offing !! Today's job at HQ was to get both foragers ready for maize , 1st stop 400 acres just down the road for Alex @ Oakley,then we gotta 150 acres for Paulls b4 we really get in to it , busy times ahead !!








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With the unpredictable weather this weekend maize harvesting has come to a stop as of yesterday afternoon , nice early finish for all the maize harvesting team ! Not too much going on today with just a couple of jobs as per usual such as the ever ongoing jobs over at the AD plant where all is ticking along quite smoothly , back at HQ  the lorry was out yesterday up at Pearce seeds pickling up the first load of seed barley , so today managed to get on and unload leaving the lorry clear for Monday morning to load up for the the  first of three loads of straw to go out ,  first of the maize grounds being turned over this morning ready for drilling ,decided to go out with the new amazone and the kvernland , hopefully  weather will be settled this week to crack on with the maize !!!







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 Back on with the maize harvest after heavy showers on Friday afternoon and Saturday night , with both foragers munching a total of around 1200 acres so far it's so far so good just aswell as customers ringing left ,right & centre wanting there maize off in preparation for drilling corn ! With the last few acres for Alex at Oakley's due to finish fairly soon the next customer on the list raring to get underway , the baby krone on our own maize just about to finish land off at HQ then off to Hinton Park for another 200 acres by the middle of the week ! A new arrival on Saturday saw the delivery of a new Case Puma 250 from Crooks of Dorchester and on the way home a little detour to pick up a demo amazone cultivator , taking the pressure off ours for a few days !!! All in all a good week and with the weather settled for a few days hopefully a few more jobs ticked off the list 








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  • 4 weeks later...

Seems like loads to catch up on so here goes the 1st installment ! With all the maize cutting now well and truly behind us and a majority of the drilling done the last 2 weeks have been flat out , with the addition of the new 1050 and the vaderstad drilling rig things have been going great guns , very impressive site coming over the horizon !!!  around 1900 acres drilled including a 1150 acres of our own we should be on the home straight by the end of the week ! The new puma had its 1st service at the beginning of last week by crooks of Dorchester, so far shes been performing really well coupled up to the amazone cultivator most of its time , the decision this week was to replace the job telehandler and to replace with a new case/ih telehandler ,so far so good and a lot cheaper than the equivalent machine from JCB , so looking good with all cultivations so far and hopefully the weather will hold on for a bit longer , 






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  • 1 month later...

Just a little update now things are running a bit smoother , the new puma just had a recent service by G S Crooks from Dorchester , so far no problems whatsoever! We seem to be turning out around 4 to 5 loads of straw a week at the moment ,so good job straw sheds well stacked up ,At the dairy unit everything in full winter mode with all cows and young stock indoors , winter here we come !!!







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  • 3 weeks later...

A few of the boys back n for a couple days just to keep things ticking over , with the cows running low on fodder beet  for there ration , 1st  job of the day go out and dig a couple loads of beet to get us through until normal service is resumed next week , with a bit frost on the ground not bad conditions ! The milk tanker drivers managing to get in after a few close encounters with the icey roads over the last few days ! Not much on for myself in the office at the minute so decided to get the Christmas present out and send it airbourne finger a few pictures of the yards , something to put on the office wall !! 








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  • 1 month later...

Been a while , but things been ticking over down at HQ quite comfortably with the usual day to day running, the last week now things seem to be gathering pace trying to make the most of the reasonable weather , the last few days we've had 4 spreaders out up at the dairy unit getting the lagoon empty , spreading across 400;acres of grass and 100 acres of winter stubbles , the latter getting ready to be ploughed and drilled with spring cropping . Next in line both the tankers are going full boar at the AD Plant rushing around every possible bit of ground the spreaders aren't travelling on ! Finally we've managed to get the unimog all fitted up with 2 liquid tanks making the job of the spray man that much easier not having to bring the spraying kit back to the yard everytime he needs filling up , hopefully all will work well ?? 










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