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orchard farm and contractors !

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Just a little update to round the week off , the digger getting ready for Monday morning to go off to get ready 3000 metres of cow tracks for marks barn ltd . Yesterday the quad bikes gone out readying wire for the sheep to move in on a few reseeded grass grounds to munch off the still growing amounts of grass , next week should be into fodder beet !! 





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  • 1 month later...

Just a little catch up from what's been happening over the last couple weeks before we enter yet another year ! With the yard now running at full capacity after upgrading sheds and altering around the workshop  brand new state of the art office block and  adding a cold store and incorporating a brand new spray shed ,things now moving with the ever evolving business ! Few more details to improve n the coming weeks , All up to date on the work front with loads of straw being delivered to the dairy unit on a weekly basis aswell as local customers . 1 load of nitram turned up on Friday ,just in time for the last working day of the week . The new m series also was delivered by Smarts Agri on sat morning to the delight of its operator , the weekend very quiet just pottering around the yard having a brush around with the loadall ! From all of us at Orchard we would like to wish u all a Happy new year fellow enthusiasts !!







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  • 1 month later...

Finally a few good days of weather forecasted for next week , we've had customers ringing up for umbilical and tankers for the last 2 weeks , urgently wanting there lagoons and dirty water ponds bailed out , trouble is with a lot of the ground saturated already it's been a right pain on some farms finding some suitable ground to travel on ! The ploughs getting ready to go , in the workshop awaiting new metal , with 300 acres booked in hopefully for the next couple weeks , especially with frost's forecast later in the week , we can get on with the jobs booked in , also stubble cultivator ready for ripping up some maize stubble , again weather permitting ! Back in the yard the lorry having a good pressure wash as he'll be off hauling straw for most of next week , also hedgetrimming coming to an end soon , just around 350 hours left to do !  lots to do as usual just waiting for a helping hand from mother nature !!







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  • 1 month later...

An overdue update , jobs starting to stack up now with the changeable weather over the last 2 weeks , the ploughs just starting to move again , trouble is trying to find a dry enough ground , can't see the point in turning over already wet and stodgy ground . Managed to get out with a bit of fertaliser end of last week  again having to be careful where we tread , but at least the wheels are rolling .  Last Monday saw Smarts  agri bring up the new 8330 fastrac , nice bit of kit that , she sits nicely alongside the smaller fastrac !! 1st job for her to take the slew around ready for the start of cleaning 2 miles of ditches , which are starting to fill up . Weather forecast looking a bit better for the week so with a bit of luck a chance to keep things moving on 







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  • 2 weeks later...

Wel thankfully the weather's been half sensible the last 4 or 5 days , getting on the ground now without too much disruption, we getting over silage grounds now with some nitrogen , the ploughs are catching up and the stubbles been steadily ripped up , starting get some muck heaps spread on grass grounds where the sheep have just come out from , looking at possibly letting the cows out to graze by day in the next week , weather depending !! Things in the office have been going at a rapid rate as last week saw the black 724 and 6210r sole off , so now number crunching to see about other alternatives in the coming weeks !! 





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  • 2 months later...

Not had an update for a while !! Just started some 2nd cut silage after the 1st cuts came off very early . Were down to 1 forager with the krone being plagued by lots of niggles so the john Deere having to take upnthe extra work load , 1st cut in was around 1400 acres chopped , and 2 be cut were already in 250 acres !! The new 7310r on pit duties after arriving from smarts agriculture  early last week , on the other hand the new valtra being hitches up for spraying duties alongside the unimog,with the cows on there paddock rotation grazing we've got some light dressing of AD liquid waste going on  . Some more arrivals should be due soon with the ever increasing work loads , watch this space !!!!








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