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planting at braggs


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got to see uncle C today & got some great shots of the planting gear :) :) unfortunately there's a McCormick in here but couldn't be helped  :-\ :-\

got a fair few pics ,so if you can hold off till the end thanks then i'll either act dumb or try to answer some questions  ;)

1) got to this lot as they stopped to discuss the problems encountered with quantum physics during light speed or some thing to that effect :-\ :D :D :D

2) 3 row bed-tiller ,pulled by the awsome power of the new 06 reg FENDT 930 orgasmic stuff 8) 8)

   ( martin the driver did try to tell me how it all worked up in the cab & boy have things changed    since i was a driver  :-\

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braggs have also got a new 818 for the harvester as the vario will be more suitable than their McCormick ,deans a happy bunny :D :D :D

having just un-hitched from his de-stoner to rip up the headland for bed-tilling/forming

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now onto unky C whose job is the planting

these monitors & displays are all used for planting ,it controlls the depth, seed spacings (35ins)of which is variable while on the move ,liquid fert useage (approx 1000litres per hectare ) (hectares ??? what happened to the good old acre ?) forward speed was 6 kph

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these monitors & displays are all used for planting ,it controlls the depth, seed spacings (35ins)of which is variable while on the move ,liquid fert useage (approx 1000litres per hectare ) (hectares ??? what happened to the good old acre ?) forward speed was 6 kph

Not hanging around either ;)

Good field of machinery there, mjb

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Wow, thats some fleet your uncle is working with MJ, you'll have ti get Thomas over there at the weekend. All this stuff will be vintage by the time he is big enough to reach the pedals... Zip it Marky... All looks pretty new, some serious money tied up in those wheels and a fair bit of know-how in the heads of the drivers too. Ace photo's.

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