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After a lovely walk up to Glastonbury Tor we glanced over the surrounding views of the Somerset Levels. Below you can just make out the roof of my car to the right of the tree... .


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Double Yellows. I didn't realise the police actually worked nowadays and thought it would be ok for 1/2 hour. Also new to my knowledge now - there is a Park and Ride just for The Tor!!

Bu66er!!!  :-[

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It is - no car park or anything up there. Just a collection tin which I contributed to. I'd be happy if The National Trust would now return the token of my gesture and contribute to my fine.

No car park indeed.  ???

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Double yellows are double yellows at the end of the day. Still, if some old dear was getting her bag nabbed in town it's good to know the Police are ready to ass-ist.


That will go in there statistics as crime fighting aswell.

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I didn't personally see (thank god) but 3 teens have just shot and killed an off duty police officer. We are not sure of the details but it seems as though it was a robbery and the officer was trying to intervine. It has affected a few of my co-workers as they live in the area where it happened and currently those areas are blocked off. The have 2 of the 3 suspects in custody. They are advising people to stay in and lock their doors. Last time an officer was killed in Windsor was the mid 70's

>:( >:(

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Yeah, so far believed to have been downed by a missile/rocket. When troops went into investigate they were attacked with rocks, petrol bombs etc and had Warriors set alight. I had visions of it turning into a "Black Hawk Down" scenario but I think it has settled down a bit since.

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Crowds of Iraqi's celebrating the death of British troops in a helicopter crash in Basra.


Same here heard about that just sick were trying to help them i think now with what there doing just get out and let them sort selfs out had enough of it especially with it being on brink of civil war but lets not start on politics now :D :D :D

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