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Oh come on Liverpool need them to buy a new manager!

yeah and pay for our new stadium that keeps increasing....to many people involved, it cant jump hundreds of millions in a few months!! :D :D.....

its only 200k though wasnt it, the gate receipts??, sure we can forget about it! :( :(

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yeah and pay for our new stadium that keeps increasing....to many people involved, it cant jump hundreds of millions in a few months!! :D :D.....

its only 200k though wasnt it, the gate receipts??, sure we can forget about it! :( :(

Why is it so difficult to build a new stadium?? Ours was on time and on budget and superb!!!!

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Why is it so difficult to build a new stadium?? Ours was on time and on budget and superb!!!!

i dont know??, they seem to get a design/price etc., gets approved then suddenly it jumps millions in cost!??....sure its the same company that built attempted to build wembley! :D :D :D::)

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yeah and pay for our new stadium that keeps increasing....to many people involved, it cant jump hundreds of millions in a few months!! :D :D.....

its only 200k though wasnt it, the gate receipts??, sure we can forget about it! :( :(

The only way you'll get a new stadium is to share with the biggest club on merseyside  ;) ;) ;)

Why is it so difficult to build a new stadium?? Ours was on time and on budget and superb!!!!

Because Liverpool have to allow for half as much materials as they need cause those thieving scourer's i'll nick half of it i mean what other team has their players houses robbed when their playing  :D :D
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Simons Grammer is poorly as well... christ... they are dropping like flies  :o :o

Don't make me cut and paste that mod room "prime blooper" out Sherlock  ;)

she saw he was for sale on ebay and took a turn for the worse when she saw the price!! :o :o

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Simons Grammer is poorly as well... christ... they are dropping like flies  :o :o

Don't make me cut and paste that mod room "prime blooper" out Sherlock  ;)

So that's a numpty for Marky then as Ben spelt "grammar" correctly above and you've spelt it with a E Sorry Marky but them's the rules  ;) ;) ;) :'( :'( :'(
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spent all afternoon taking pics of some of my collection so i could post em on here tonight ,but the bloody computer won,t have it , so i,ve have given up before i put me fist trou gh the screen >:( >:( :'( :'(

ive had that once and i felt exaccly the same  :(>:(:(

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