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Hi, I am new to the forum. I started collecting about 3 years ago, mainly classic style machinery from the 90s.

I am based in New Zealand, and we have limited access to models or parts here.

Looking forward to learning some tips and tricks for model conversions through this page. Pic attached of some of my models. 




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Wellcome along to the forum ,hope you pick up some tips and tricks along the way . I can remember a few years ago i was helping on a stand at a model show over here in UK and there was a lad in his 20s i was talking to ,he was from New Zealand and he collected models and he was totaly amazed at the amount of models for sale in one place he said models are few and far between back in New Zealand . He was over in uk visting family for first time and had seen advert in local paper about show andcome along 

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