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Moreau Beet Harvesters - any pics?


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Hi All,

Would anyone have any photos of Moreau SP Beet Harvesters they could post, especially the older AT64 model?  I've found a few here and there but not many and I just thought I'd ask if anyone on here might have any.  I doubt there are that many still working these days, the one time I saw one working it was as and when it came out of the fog that hung around the place morning, noon and night!



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Hi All,

Would anyone have any photos of Moreau SP Beet Harvesters they could post, especially the older AT64 model?  I've found a few here and there but not many and I just thought I'd ask if anyone on here might have any.  I doubt there are that many still working these days, the one time I saw one working it was as and when it came out of the fog that hung around the place morning, noon and night!



I only know of one locally here of the top of my head, most have all been replaced by Verveats now it seems. If you remind us all in another 7 weeks or so the machines should have started rolling again for picture taking :);)

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I doubt there are any old Moreau's still going, I certainly haven't seen one for a long time - I don't see much beet harvesting, though admittedly I don't really look; in the past it always coincided with hedge trimming which isn't very good for bike tyres.  I have seen a Matrot near Ellesmere in the recent past, I imagine belonging to a contractor.

Does anyone know the UK importers of Moreau, Matrot, Holmer and Verveat?  Might write off and see if I can get some further info.



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I doubt there are any old Moreau's still going, I certainly haven't seen one for a long time - I don't see much beet harvesting, though admittedly I don't really look; in the past it always coincided with hedge trimming which isn't very good for bike tyres.  I have seen a Matrot near Ellesmere in the recent past, I imagine belonging to a contractor.

Does anyone know the UK importers of Moreau, Matrot, Holmer and Verveat?  Might write off and see if I can get some further info.



Vervaet is J. Riley near norwich

Holmer is Standen Reflex

Matrot was Matrot UK near Bury st Edmounds don't know if it still is, don't know about Moreau

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