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The daily dog walking expedition .....


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Well everyday after school as soon as i get home i put on my camos and my huge boots and take little Jack over the field for his excercise and it conveniently ties in with my interests as i get to see and get close to alot of machinery i also started getting alot of pictures of various bits of kit but theres so much from last year i thought i would try to start a little journal with all my pictures from my walks. Unfortunaetly when i get home from school work has already been done but i still see quite a bit of machinery and here are some pics from Febuary i think. This may take a while  :D



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Cheers Mart yeah i have to admit i do like that picture ... The John Deere with the discs was parked while the field was being ploughed and it would of been a great picture because they both went off together back to the farm but i couldn't be bothered to walk back in the opposite direction and the dog was knackerd  :D

I wasn't going to show them tonight but i will. Here are some pictures from today of another field being sprayed by a 6920S



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There two different fields but he was just driving straight over ... saves time really. It seems weird but they have alot of small fields with grass tracks in between but they are growing the same crops in both fields  ??? Anyone know why that is?

I was going to try and get a few pictures of the John Deere 2650 with a silage trailer that dumps veg each day over the fields but oh guess what the day i take my camera he doesn't need to dump anything  >:(

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Anyway werent any machinery over there today but because i only started the topic yesterday i thought i would show you some pictures of the where i walk and what they do etc.

The first picture is the farm itself .. not a very good photo but i don't get close enough to it really. All those yellow and white sheets in the picture are the sheets on the side of trailers that they use in the summer. The farm grows alot of salad and uses veg packers etc. They have a road from the fields to the farm where they park practically everything apart from the tractors there. I'll try and get a bit closer tomorrow. At the moment they have got all of there irragation units out.

The second picture is of the dumping field. Sainsburys is just down the road and anything they can't sell is taken to a plant like thing and then chucked in the back of trailer and dumped over our fields. They do everything cabbages, lettuces, radishes everything. The problem at the moment is the residents of the village are complaining because the packaging keeps blowing into there gardens and it does smell  :D The picture is of where the John Deere enters and the havoc it has caused



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