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The adventures of Marky and Fanny... the MF410 new to me on 18/11/2006 RIP Fanny

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Guess the 30 year plan didn't map out then  :-\ :-\ :D :D :D

Went for a good price though on ebay or not  :-\ :-\ :o :o

About what I expected really Si... £8k mate... I gave £9750 + v for her... but I've lost the VAT as I paid fot it myself and not through the business  :'(
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Well lads and ladies... she's gone  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


This is the nasty man who took her away  >:( ...


Evidently... she'll end up at the dealership in Anglesey... poor girl... she's out in the rain and snow as we speak... 22.19 hours upon her departure...


Oh... and screw you Mr Revenue  >:(:D :D :D

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Marky - who is the nearest FTF member to the dealership that Fanny's gone to? I was just thinking that he/she could take some photos of her in her new home and this could go a long way to you feeling better about the whole thing?

Throwing your welly after a tractor is highly symbolic and you could get repercussions in later life for doing something like that - appropriate counselling is needed NOW - don't make the mistake of thinking you are over it .... from a friend.

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Dear Friend...

Fanny departing is.... Waaaa  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Nope... you're right.. I'm not over it one bit yet  :'( :'(

My right foot is all wet and cold as well  :'( :'( :D :D

I've INSISTED (as part of the deal) that the new owner contacts me Jo... he promised me he would ensure that happens

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A little song to cheer you up is what's needed i think  ;) ;) ;)


:D :D - Can she come around and sing it to me please Si... it would cheer me up  :'( :'( :D :D :D

Actually.. I'm pretty glad to be rid of her really... bloody waste of money... 22 hours in 2.5 years  :D :D ::):-[

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Actually.. I'm pretty glad to be rid of her really... bloody waste of money... 22 hours in 2.5 years  

You trying to convice me or yourself we all know your crying inside i bet its a bit like spitting up with you frist true love  ::) ::):D :D :D

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Do we have any FTF members in Anglesey Simon? We should be trying to help him - I don't think your idea of covering Fanny with s**t is the best way forward!

He's a cruel man Jo.. I'm glad you can see his mean nasty streak  >:( :'( :'(

Kick a man when he's down.... he's nothing short of a playground bully... I bet he pulled all the girls pigtails at school  >:( >:( :'( :'( :'(

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