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Harvesting Past. In Old Pictures.


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Here are some pictures of harvesting on my farm before I was even born. they were all taken in 1947 by an old Uncle who owned the farm at the time. I think these photos were really taken as the tractor, a D.B Cropmaster, was brand new. The first is picking up the hay with a hay sweep, like a large wooden buckrake, adapted to go on the front of the tractor to take it to where the men were building the rick. the horse would have been used to stroll up the hay with a side delivery rake for the tractor to sweep.


The second pic is in the same field and shows the sweep a little better and two small ricks of hay. The terrier on the tractor seat was called Spot.


Third pic is the same year but in August cutting oats with the binder. the chap facing the camera was the old Uncles son Jack, the chap riding the binder was the old Uncles Brother, who was driving the tractor I don't recall.


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I adore the first picture the horse and the tractor working alongside each other in the same field. Reminds me of my latest Border Fine Art purchase earlier this month called "Old Meets New". In this figurine there is a horse and cart and one old cart wheel had sheared off. Two guys come to the rescue with an Orange standard Fordson and load the bags from the horse cart to the tractor cart.


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Excellent pictures! we have two 1947 Cropmasters and are restoring one of them at the minute, I hope they look as good as that once they are finished.

Where abouts was the farm?

It's the same farm as where I am now.

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