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cleaning glazing?



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Could be a bad idea as some plastics react to meths.  I once ruined a screen (and model) by using white spirit.  No problem when I had used it on another model from the same manufacturer.  Test on scrap first but still be very careful to ensure its the same type of plastic you are using to test on.

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I don't know if this will work so I would do a test first. What about Duraglit wadding for cleaning brass and silver? I use it to clean brass bits on my real tractors but I 've found it softens and removes price tags and glue marks from the cellophane on model boxes.

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As I had some handy, I tried out "brasso" on a plastic test  bit, but with quite a bit of rubbing with fine wire wool.........not much effect, not removing glue smears anyway

Then tried meths.........I had this idea in my head ever since I went to a record shop after some cd cleaner........they didn't sell any, but the fella told me, if a customer wanted cd's cleaned.......all they ever used was meths, i've used it on various things since, btw, its good at degreasing/de-scumming car windscreens.........glass that is!  ;)

Anyway, on the test bit of plastic, it was not very effective with glue smears, or perhaps I should be more patient, and give it several applications...........don't taste that nice either! ;)

Guess the best thing is............dont mess the glue in the first place!

(didn't have any bad reactions on the plastic with either)

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I find that on most clear plastics and perspex that T-cut polish is very good at removing most things like paint, grime and shallow scratches, may remove certain glues. Jewelers use T-cut to polish watch glass so next time you need the face of your watch cleaning, don't pay a fortune to do what you can do yourself. That was the second tip!  ;)

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