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well said randy roger,

i have to say that your attitude on the forum lately ricky is pretty sick!!!!

i dont think that this forum was ever set up for people to brag about how quick they can take a mccormick apart or how long it takes them to "butcher" a 180/90 into a totally inaccurate 110/90!!!! well done on getting your meetingswith all these firms about making their models, but dont brag about it until its definite!!!!

as for the redrock trailers!!! ha!!! judging by the pictures you have just posted they cant be a copy of martins trailers coz his are streets ahead of the stuff your throwing together lately.

get a grip ricky and change your Willyy attitude or a lot more people then me will be getting sick of it!

why has randy rogers post been deleted????????????/

well thats a bit short and sweet to say the least, smish while we are all entitled to our views this isnt really the place to drag them out really, if you don't like rickys work then dont post ,we are on randy rogers case ,as so far all his posts have been negative and we looking into his account to, to be honest if its what we think then maybe your post should be aimed somewhere else   

if this topic keeps going in this direction we may well have to lock it and delete posts which we dont want to do,

please think before you post gents

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well thats a bit short and sweet to say the least, smish while we are all entitled to our views this isnt really the place to drag them out really, if you don't like rickys work then dont post ,we are on randy rogers case ,as so far all his posts have been negative and we looking into his account to, to be honest if its what we think then maybe your post should be aimed somewhere else   

if this topic keeps going in this direction we may well have to lock it and delete posts which we dont want to do,

please think before you post gents

fair play mate, but i think everyone is entitled to an opinion and im sure ricky wouldnT be long about voicing his if the roles were reversed.

maybe i was a bit harsh in what i said but there is no need for an attitude like his.

we can all get on fine without being put up on a pedestal and thinking that someones work is better than others.

that my thoughts on it anyways!

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well said randy roger,

i have to say that your attitude on the forum lately ricky is pretty sick!!!!

i dont think that this forum was ever set up for people to brag about how quick they can take a mccormick apart or how long it takes them to "butcher" a 180/90 into a totally inaccurate 110/90!!!! well done on getting your meetingswith all these firms about making their models, but dont brag about it until its definite!!!!

as for the redrock trailers!!! ha!!! judging by the pictures you have just posted they cant be a copy of martins trailers coz his are streets ahead of the stuff your throwing together lately.

get a grip ricky and change your Willyy attitude or a lot more people then me will be getting sick of it!

why has randy rogers post been deleted????????????/

brag about how quick they can take a mccormick apart

Nothing wrong with some fun is there? could take it apart quicker with a sledge, there was a topic about britains models and getting out of boxes, that was a bit of fun too

this is a hobby mate, a hobby in the real world remember, real world is not what we sometimes think it is, or want it to be.

Butcher a 180-90, don't like it, fair enough, me i'm not a big fan of it either but many people have been looking it after me posting up pictures, others have offered me silly money for one, yea its not 100% accurate, in fact its maybe only a similar model rather than a replica, but i never claimed it to be

Martins trailer are in a league of their own i know that already, people up here loved them, they couldn't get enough of them, With these of mine i am approaching a different sector of the market, I'm studying at uni and one module is about marketing, one thing i did leran that a product needs to have different specs to meet the needs of different people

I am not out to brag, i am not out to outdo anyone, i am merely on this little planet for a spark of time so maybe while doing something i enjoy i can add a litle sparkle into someones life buy making them something they want and suits their needs or wants.

i could go on, but i think its time we all played nicely or our mums may not allow us to play together anymore.


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Ricky, that's a nice looking lot of machinery ready for the spray gun. It all looks really good and the prices you are quoting sound damn reasonable too. Good luck with the meetings, the models and the shows. Look forward to the finished pieces being posted up mate. Well done.  :)

(There, that should get me a free Redrock trailer ;):D)

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