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At work with KIWINZ


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well i thought i could keep u lot posted on what im doing o the real farm!!!

was up the dairy at 7:30 this morning only started taking pictures after id finished strawing up

feeding the hefferes i put a square bale in for feed




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main job of the day was much cart but the tralier was full of wood so i had to tip it off so i had to make some room arround the yard (not that its messy)

so off comes the grab and on goes the tines


the scrap and tines i had to move to make room for the logs


the tines


then the bucket went on and i was readt for the muck


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finally dad pushed up the muck heap (ready for stevo and the crew)


had a load of 10 whole cows off to slaughter as well dont know why im more the arable side!!!

the lorry hell of a nice thing


they all look happy every were you go




finally for today does any one use these they are designed to scare off birds thet are trying to steal the cows food???


thanks kiwi

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thanks would like to put you all straight we dont owne the farm we just manage it

thats why i get to work on it and i love to the farm is very tidy not the flashest but i works well appart fromt he grain store we cant tip the tralieres up properley and we could do with some new stuff!!! but its all good

there is a lot of money tied up in the lorry as its qute new they mainly do pigs a few cows and no maggot taxis (sheep)

my dads the manager and he dosent mind he understands its for a good cause

thanks for the input!!!!!!!

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well todays job was micking out at the dairy dad on the manitu and me on the tm150

opening the shed up




then i was able to park allong side to be loaded less driving for dad as he can come through the doors!


look at that parking!!! by me!


down the heap


when its all scraped out ect we put down an antibacterial powder to stop bacteria growoing theres more in the tub its not different!!!



the mist steam from the hot floor


what is it its a monster


the tm150


the manitu


then to straw up


the new view!


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next job put the cow and new calf into the shed with the others

went in ok off to the others


happily with the others in the shed


they wernt seperated the mums were just getting fed

i have some more pics of the day but i cant find them will look and post later!!

now off home to have the afternoon off

just snapped this one on the way home

what you think!!??

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thanks all

the tractor is not a treat or a regular occasion its a pile of sh!te not cos its a nh just the state its in its not ours its a courtasey one coz our new nh tl100a blew up with 4 hr on the clock so we get that we had it back in the summer when our old nh 7635 blew up the only reason i dunt use the jd is cos with all the bildings its easier to not have no loader

the nh is a nice tractor front links cab suspension command shuttle with manual or auto buttons the bad points are dogey spools braken pickup hitch and broken seat

the manitu is a B reg mast jobby very very basic

we can get away with the gap as the mast moves forward to go through on an angle to end up above the tralier

when im off tipping a load my dad is flipping the muck over on its self so the wet at the bottom ends up on top with the dry straw in the middle effectively making a sandwitch and when me da loads th tralier im ther with the forck of scraper to clean up he also does a bit when im gone!!!

thanks all!!!!

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heres the pic i snapped when i was driving off but i forgot to post it up!!

mf 390 c/w keenan ???? easi feeder


got some tyres off the pit so the dairy man dosent have to move them (wont have to it much more as we got the new sand bag and net system its green!!!!)


then went and tipped them on the tyre heap


then to push it up

what it was


what it is now


the mean mahine


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