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J.H Ford silage trailers

Fenside MF

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Massey boy, i take it your uncle is Mr Martin, as i am sure i recognise the farm on those pics. I was there today picking up our Fastrac !

yes he his but i have more than one uncel that works on the farm do you no all of them :) :)

what were they using a fatrac for ??? ??? ???

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So... the one behind the Muir-Hill was made about late 70's and from that he went to super single wheels and tyres from the dual-wheel tandem axle here (old "SUNBLEST"bread van wheels 6.00 X 16, 8 off).

  My one with 400 X 15.5 "dumpy" tyres (with grass load behind my 4wd 7600) was made in early '88 with 3" shaft rocking beam axle on greasable,bushed pivot shafts. Very low centre of gravity for our steep side banks and also allowed deeper body than usual for the rated weight (9 tonnes) but as I say we got more in it than all the "other makes" 10 tonne trailers that joined us over the years on long runs.

The same trailer is behind the JD 4040S that's filling it with maize in the field in front of our house (at the time) with the JD 3765  forager in '88.We went to side loading from '89 onwards.

The 4040S is tipping at our neighbours clamp (where our Fiat-Allis -also in pic with MH, was pictured getting under the asbestos cladding some months ago) with another contractors trailer that had springs on (for cheapness) hence the greater distance between the wheels (but more tyre scrub/drag round corners/undercarriage wear and less stable on side banks.

  The last pic is of our mates 12 tonner with sprung drawbar as we needed max capacity for a long run from one farm to another and my 9 tonne was on our 2wd 7600. I've a pic of a vertical jacknife with this somewhere...though it's not as good as the ones I could do when a party of schoolkids came to watch one day....I did know my hitch was in A1 condition though!!  The trouble with the big trailer though was so many of our customers had small clamps that required backing into from a distance that that often cancelled out any speed gained from hauling more and he ended up still being at the clamp,in my way when I got back to the clamp, which peee'd brother off aswell on the clamp as he then hadn't cleared ready for my load which I usually went into the clamp, turned on a sixpence, dumped and was gone again. Not to mention the big trailer cutting into the ground more which farmers disliked.

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Massey boy, i take it your uncle is Mr Martin, as i am sure i recognise the farm on those pics. I was there today picking up our Fastrac !

Would that be Warningore Farm,  East Chiltington. Martin's used to do quite a bit of business with S. T's. Used to know them to talk to, but didn't know them that well. Just across the field from Phil Botting, if he's still farming. Small world innit. ;):)
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Massey Boy, i don't know George Martin personally, but i know his wife Julie, as she works in Balcombe Estate office & my father worked there up until last year. The Fastrac was loading Fibrophos into the Ontop & i had to move the Fastrac to Ted Rays at Ditching Beacon.

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sorry for going off topic jamie

Massey Boy, i don't know George Martin personally, but i know his wife Julie, as she works in Balcombe Estate office & my father worked there up until last year. The Fastrac was loading Fibrophos into the Ontop & i had to move the Fastrac to Ted Rays at Ditching Beacon.

george is my great uncle getting old now

Would that be Warningore Farm,  East Chiltington. Martin's used to do quite a bit of business with S. T's. Used to know them to talk to, but didn't know them that well. Just across the field from Phil Botting, if he's still farming. Small world innit. ;):)


botting was selling the farm the over day but i dont think he is now

my uncle farms his land any way

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Massey Boy, i don't know George Martin personally, but i know his wife Julie, as she works in Balcombe Estate office & my father worked there up until last year. The Fastrac was loading Fibrophos into the Ontop & i had to move the Fastrac to Ted Rays at Ditching Beacon.

Loads of familiar names there. I've done a few demo's at Rays and we (S.T.'s) used to do a lot with his neighbours; the West family. David, Albert Colin and Gerald. Back in the late seventies when S.T.'s were Ford dealers; we sold a new John Deere 3130 OPU to Colin West. Not sure why he bought it from us, but it was delivered by road in the early morning and we were sworn to secrecy over it, as it could have jeopardized our franchise.

    So what's your story. The name Allen crops up a few times around East Sussex. There are two I know of; one at Peacehaven who does tractor repairs and contracting, and a memorable couple called Pat and Ellie Allen who farmed in the Eastbourne area. I always will remember Ellie. She was a very attractive, bordering on gorgeous woman who I first saw in our office smartly dressed with long blonde hair and beautifully manicured finger nails. To my surprise they bought a new Dowdeswell plough which I was asked to deliver and set up. I was even more surprised, as  the tractor driver I had to assist was Ellie driving a .......County 1174. She was an excellent driver and a very good "Ploughman". There wasn't anything manly about her though.  :-*      ;):)

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Allen is my first name ! I work for E & H Contracting & i know a few names down that way. We do work for John Carr, W D Carr, Monningtons,David Taylor, Mark Peters etc.

All these names.........I used to know John Carr at Balsdean Farm, John Monnington at Stoneham Farm, David Taylor..............is he the one between Falmer and Lewes, he was the only Taylor I knew. Is Mark Peters anything to do with Peters and Son Agricultural Contractors at Plashett Park Farm, Ringmer.

    I now deliver fuels for United Petroleum at Ringmer, and still get to quite a few of the farms mentioned.

    So if you don't mind me asking, who are E. & H. Contracting and where are they based. If you would rather not disclose any information about yourself or your employers, I will understand. It is nice to know other members from around my area.  ;):)

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Small world...

My old man did some contracting on Rise Farm a few years back  ;)

I lived there from 1958 to 66. Dad was the head herdsman at the time, and they had a pedigree herd of Shorthorns at the time. We moved from there to Uckfield. Ridgewood Farm, owned by J.H. Pitts and Sons. They moved there in 1966 from Town Farm at Hailsham


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E&H - Elliot and Hayward - have been in Profi a good few times ???

Hayward's; I used to call on them when I was a sales rep. The son was the contractor if I remember rightly. I seem to remember he used to do a lot of crop spraying. His father (The one with the beard, scary looking guy) bought a few bits and pieces off me. Was the farm called Holmstead Manor Farm, at Slough Green. Also used to call on another contractor nearby in Broxmead Lane, is that Elliots with the JCB Fastrac. I think it's the first farm on the left going from Cuckfield end. I have delivered Gas Oil there in the past.  Going back to when I was young, my uncle used to do agricultural contracting for the coal merchant at Warninglid T.C. (Tom) Newnham. They delivered coal in the winter and did agricultural contracting in the summer to keep the money coming in. Their yard was where Southern Counties is in Colwood Lane. ..............Memories (patchy ones)

    Er..............gone a bit off topic here haven't I. That's the trouble when you get old; you start rambling on about things and lifetime memories..............Sorry I can't help it.  ::);)

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Correct about Mark Peters, he is at Plashetts. E & H are based at Cuckfield,Haywards Heath & we do a variety of stuff.

The world is closing in. I remember Bob Peters contracting in the late sixties. He had an accident with a Massey 788 and got scalded. Also the son of Jim Pitts from Uckfield (David) worked for Bob as part of, or after he finished his training at Plumpton College.

    Sorry I don't seem to be able to stop rambling.  ::):D

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Hayward's; I used to call on them when I was a sales rep. The son was the contractor if I remember rightly. I seem to remember he used to do a lot of crop spraying. His father (The one with the beard, scary looking guy) bought a few bits and pieces off me. Was the farm called Holmstead Manor Farm, at Slough Green. Also used to call on another contractor nearby in Broxmead Lane, is that Elliots with the JCB Fastrac. I think it's the first farm on the left going from Cuckfield end. I have delivered Gas Oil there in the past.  Going back to when I was young, my uncle used to do agricultural contracting for the coal merchant at Warninglid T.C. (Tom) Newnham. They delivered coal in the winter and did agricultural contracting in the summer to keep the money coming in. Their yard was where Southern Counties is in Colwood Lane. ..............Memories (patchy ones)

    Er..............gone a bit off topic here haven't I. That's the trouble when you get old; you start rambling on about things and lifetime memories..............Sorry I can't help it.   ::);)

Haywards ...mmmm nothing to do with the mob at Burwash/Stonegate do you know Will  ???
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Haywards ...mmmm nothing to do with the mob at Burwash/Stonegate do you know Will  ???

Don't know any Haywards at Burwash or Stonegate. Used to know Southover Contractors pretty well. Ol' Chris an' Rick Moderski, they were a couple of 'Erberts. The only other contractor I know out that way is "Tom" Martin Thomas who I think go under the name of Sussex Contractors. Used to Know his brother Michael AKA Yogi. Both ex S.T.s. doncha know.  ;):D
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  • 2 weeks later...

You must know Trevor Slaughter i would imagine,Britainswomble ?

Ok, now you've started me off again. I know Trevor, Mick and Tim. My father worked for Jim Pitts as their Herdsman and Trevors dad, George worked on the same farm as a Tractor driver. This is the bit where it all gets a bit incestuous. I've worked with all of them in our Sussex Tractor days, worked with George on the farm, and ............er...........I'm married to Mick's ex wife.  ;) Have been for 16 years this year.  My step children are Trev's nieces and nephews. Bu**er boy; the world is a very small place. I've known Trevor all his life, and Mick since he was eight................42 years  :o I have pictures of Mick and Trevor at S.T.'s when they were in Uckfield. Will dig them out from photobucket.  ;):D


This one was taken in about 1991. That was my company car behind him; an H reg turbo diesel Sierra.  :-*

  Micky trucker as he was known, with the biggest rota spreader he'd ever seen. A Fraser 1000T


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Just remembered, the contractor at Broxmead lane is John? Upton if I remember rightly.

    Sorry to all our other members if this seems a bit selfish using this post for reminiscing; but there are a few people on here from Sussex, and it gives them a chance to add their few "penneth" if they recognize the names. There are a group of you who know each other well enough to meet up and attend events together, so I hoped that maybe we could do the same around here. Ie meeting up at shows and ploughing matches etc. Maybe then I too might have some friends.  ;):)

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Trevor is leaving TS Tractor & Plant Sales & going to work for Harper & Eede next month.

I haven't seen Trevor for a few weeks and didn't know he was leaving. He said his job was hard work owing to what people were expecting to get for trade ins. I don't know whether he worked on commission only or how he was paid, but he has an ex wife and two little girls to support as well as the rent on the cottage he lives in.

    I thought he would have been more likely to go back to Haynes rather than the "Opposition". Sales was never an easy job. When I did it; all my work was "Cold Calling" and I had a sales manager who was "On the take" and often undercut me if the customers bypassed me. It didn't help the fact that they moved my area three times in the six years I did it. I used to sell a lot of second hand tractors initially, but my sales manager started selling them to local dealers who took away a lot of my sales.

    Trevor's brother Mick has commented on how hard things can be, but he has had some good runs in the past. Trouble is that farmers are buying less, contractors are buying bigger and fewer machines and the competition is getting tougher. The companies hiring out new seasonal machines don't make it any easier either. It's hard to make a living doing anything any more, as we all know. ;):)

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