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Krone Swadro 2000 - 6 Rotor Rake


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My ideas of what this rake is good for is iff you want a lot of good quality silage you should cut it short and offten so as to not let the grass go to seed

so if you cut the grass at about a foot high with normal equiptment you would get lots of rows with not a lot in them. But if you used a rake like this one it would enable the harvester to keep a steady and heavy crop going through it without a lot of forward speed which in contrast with todays prices of fuel would considerably cut costs. And with cutting the grass shorter would enable the silage producer to harvest 4 or more crops over the growing season of good quality high value silage.

And as for where it could be used I would hazard a guess at Holland, Germany and a few other European countries that do a lot of silage on a big scale with some realy enormouse fields

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