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Bratton Transport Extravaganzer


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A small affir in it's infant years just outside Westbury in Wiltshire. Not a lot to see but I go every year to keep the numbers up in the hope it will increase in exhibitor numbers each time. Held in April, here are some of the pics I got when me and the boss called in for an hour.



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For me, the ERF tractor unit was one of the best I have ever seen I think. The colours, it's original look, its English-ness. ... Juts a joy to see there. Wonder ifhe got out without banging those two spots off though!!


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A small affir in it's infant years just outside Westbury in Wiltshire. Not a lot to see but I go every year to keep the numbers up in the hope it will increase in exhibitor numbers each time

Missed you on the Sunday Tris ...  but then the grass was long...

BTW it has been going since 1985 - used to be on the show field at Fitzroy and the caravan clubs from New Forest etc used to descend, show went down hill  late 90's (committee falling out etc) but in a recovery phase now.

Having grown up in Bratton same people year in year out!!

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I thought better of taking a pic of that horrid blue Flintstones Scania from down the trading estate. What an eye sore!!! His little restored artic is a much better view  :)

Hope more people come each year, more commercials this year I think wasn't there?

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Good weather for that event by the look of it mate. Nice to see local stuff at these little "do's". I remember those bedford fire engines from years ago. What sort of RR engines were fitted in trucks like that ERF then, and how many hp were they?? ERF don't exist anymore do they i think the last ones were rebadged MAN's ::)

Come to think of it, you don't see hardly anything with "Built in Britain" on it any more :(

Tell Traci I like her hat in that pic, very ummmm, different :D

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It was a 290 in that ERF Mark but what the class or type of Roller it was in there I wouldn't know. My friends dad used to take a Bedford TK based turntable ladder to the show, it was 100ft. Being a stupid idiot at the age of about 13 I climbed to the top and pulled a mooney across the showground at the Semmington Steam Rally!!! I got bo!!ocked needless to say when I came back down!!  :D :D :D

Traci loves her hats. .. I don't  :D Joking!!

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