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Hi everyone!  ;D After my other half - toyboy spent 7 hours in the loft yesterday making a trailer to post pictures of on here, i decided i would see what all the fuss was about and become a member myself!

My name is Gillian and i'm 24.  I am getting married to toyboy, :-* my b/f of 7 yrs on 08/08/08 so at least now we have one shared interest!! ::) ::)

Unlike all you manly types on here I don't wear boots to work or a scruffy boiler suit as i am training to be a teacher - so listen up at the back you lot! :D :D

I am afraid I won't be able to contribute very much to any discussions regarding high tech mechanical  related issues or post up any pictures of my latest scratch built models but i will from time to time participate in any general discussions and try to get you guys to see things from a woman's perspective - because as you know, we are the fairer sex and are ALWAYS right!  ;D:D

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Goood eeeevening Miss Toygirl.

Markys got his spud gun miss, tell him!

Anyhoooo, greetings ye of fairer sexes. You'll see I have my own Dunse hat, I wasn't sharing it with anyone apart from Jez but he's got nits anyway.

You've joined a well behaved, politer, respectable Forum and your sure to have a great time on it.

Could you put a link up to it? :D :D

Oh and congratulations to your imenant promotion to Wife. :)

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Welcome Gillian.....guess this means that hubby to be will have to behave himself on here now :D :D

You only need to worry when your counter thingy gets up to where mine is at nearly 190 days on here :o::):D

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welcome to FTF!!! :) :) :)

Gav, what was toyboys last order total ???,..... :D :D :D::)

good to see another teacher (soon) on here, what year/subject you doing?. The wife is a teacher, forever sticking up for them on here, with people going on about how much holiday they get ::)

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welcome to FTF!!! :) :) :)

Gav, what was toyboys last order total ???,..... :D :D :D::)

good to see another teacher (soon) on here, what year/subject you doing?. The wife is a teacher, forever sticking up for them on here, with people going on about how much holiday they get ::)

No where near as much as yours was :o :o ;D:D :D :D :D ::)

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good to see another teacher (soon) on here, what year/subject you doing?. The wife is a teacher, forever sticking up for them on here, with people going on about how much holiday they get ::)

i have just finished a degree in child and youth studies and am starting post-graduate primary teaching in september at aberdeen uni

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Hi everyone!  ;D After my other half - toyboy spent 7 hours in the loft yesterday making a trailer to post pictures of on here, i decided i would see what all the fuss was about and become a member myself!

Unlike all you manly types on here I don't wear boots to work or a scruffy boiler suit as i am training to be a teacher - so listen up at the back you lot! :D :D

I am afraid I won't be able to contribute very much to any discussions regarding high tech mechanical  related issues or post up any pictures of my latest scratch built models but i will from time to time participate in any general discussions and try to get you guys to see things from a woman's perspective - because as you know, we are the fairer sex and are ALWAYS right!  ;D:D

yes madam! (that is what i always tell my g/f too  ;) ) good to have someone of the other species to keep us in line (a bit more) on here :P !

good to have a shared interest. i have that too with my g/f when i actually sell something and get cash money. somehow that gets her attention always..  :(  luckily she doesnt see when i spend money on new models  :D:-X

anyways.. welcome to the forum and i hope you'll be contributing to the general discussions in your own feminine ways so new perspectives will be introduced to our narrow male minds :D;)

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Sorry I missed this post... very rude of me...  :-[

Welcome Toygirl... it's great to see that we have another lady on-board - I too don't wear boots of overalls as I am a pen pusher these days - not counting the knee length zip ups at the weekends of course  ;):-[

Anyway.... Good luck with the wedding plans... we expect to see LOTS of pictures of the happy day as well as we are all nosey sods.... will you be having a Britains themed wedding cake ??? Maybe a tractor shaped one would be nice ???

can I have my spud gun back now please   :-[

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Texas and Marky you thought you were late..... how about me  :-[:-[ :-[  I just saw it now.

welcome toygirl !! My wife is a teacher as well and she too says that she is always right... must be because you are teachers. ;D ;D

But to be honest teachers make great wifes because as always they make us practice until we are perfect. ;) ;) ;D::)

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