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Gav's tractors


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F140!!! What a tractor. There was a huge contractor round our way a fey years back called Salmons. They had about a dozen F140's aswell as big JD'd like 4750's and stuff. They travelled everywhere, even taking a whole silage crew to Portsmouth by road one year and staying there in caravans. They packed up and somewhere along the line Southwick Tractors was born. Anyway, my mates Dad bought one of there F140's and swapped it in for a TM of some kind. She had pushed out nearly 10,000hrs and was still chuffing away. Hell of a roar to them, the only Fiat in history to be built well!! It whooped along with their JF1350 in second cut silage. Didnt the 60series use 350the basics of the Winner's back end? Hell of a tractor, nice to see a pic of one that has been looked after Gav. Cheers.

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Yea the back end of the F140 is almost identical to the 60/TM series, the front axle is also the same. Although the tractor is only the run about now we still think she needs looking after, i usually touch up all the paintwork around the nose every year, just to keep her looking good. New headlights were fitted to improve things, and at present we are trying to persuade the boss to fit a new, more comfortable seat to it. It really is a nice sounding tractor when it's under load. our Amazone RPD402 drill/powerharrow combi used to see to that! ::)

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We had to have 75%of the front axle replaced under warranty due to insufficient grease nipples being fitted, it wore out! Had several little electronic niggles, and presently a software fault where it won't remember any auto diff lock settings. We still won't change it though. The drill is a KRM opti drill, will try to get a pic of it at work and post here. The 8560 is on the other farm, our drilling rig is a Renault 816 and Amazone KE402/RPD402 powerharrow drill combi. Had a problem with the plough since we bought it, the metal is wearing alot more on the back furrow than elsewhere on the plough, think we might have cured it now after 18 months of trying!

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Don't know if you ever saw the comedy/drama Grass they done? They wanted to film one of the opening scenes on our farm (the whole thing was filmed in our village at work and on the neighbouring estate) and the sugarbeet in the adjoining field needed hoeing so i went in at 5am to do it, and even then had the rather obnoxious location manager chasing me!!  ::) ::)::):D

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