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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. She is a beauty mate Did you put the old decals back on the bonnet
  2. Looking good those wheels on herr. What type is it going to be or did i just mist that
  3. well started a new convo from MF. This time the MF4455. Here the result so far. The bonnet is not the one i am going to use for this model. I where planing to take a MF5455 siku bonnet for that.
  4. i Have some pics on my computer at my parents place. But that is the older version whit a roundcorners cab ont it! Shal look for posting them up for you in a short notice The model is already looking cool mate
  5. Wow what a beauty's
  6. Looks like a nice job (the driving ) but iff you need to load it of like this you had better traded whit the driver
  7. Looking good Paul. You are building a nice colection of all kinds of MF models
  8. wow Brian this is cool mate! Never new MF made slurry tankers! You are having a great collection of MF models like this way
  9. Looking a lot better now the front axle is moved to the front!
  10. Thanks mate still need to do some things on the model like adding window's and paint the end delay's in the rims propper. Also add the cilinder under the cab and need to sort out where i can get the decals for the cab! Also sorting out how i can make the sunscreen decal on the front window So still alot off work before finished
  11. Looking good Paul. When do you going to call youre self Paul MF
  12. Yeah i know well the exhaust where broken and not new available so this one fitted also
  13. I also have made some photo's on some carpet that i had laying around the other day. Here the result
  14. Thanks lads for the nice reply's @Beginner:The table where the model is standing on is the tabel in the living room not my workbench. The smaller things i make on that table becaus my girlfriend dousnt like to sit all alone al evening My workshop is almost ready just need to clean it up .
  15. Yet again another great project also here is standing that kind off model on the do list
  16. well long time ago you seen this one turned up on here but here it is in a better stage then before. Had to renovate my house that i bought and now i live in it i have sorted out some stuff and made a nice workshop for the convo's and schratchbuilds i can continu whit the builds So here the first one i have gone further whit! Got other tyers and i think they look better then the first tyers that ive had put on! They come from the Siku Fendt 718. Also added an engine and some gaze in the bonnet and put the decals on! Now i need to find the roof decals off the cab to finish the project after glazing the cab and add a cilinder under the cab so it can be lifted as the real one Also working on the aircleaner on top off the bonnet at the moment. Enough talking here the result so far
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