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Johny mf

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Everything posted by Johny mf

  1. Well i had it already planned when i where building the first one but here it is now with her twin sister! Some one in Holland where verry happy last saturday when he got the model of his own tractor! Here the real one that needed a big repair :'(
  2. Thanks for the good reply´s i am glad you guy´s like the model! @Sean: yeah it is true indeed i have the model the way i want it and it isnt mass produced @Joe: it is on a table with a glass shelf indeed milkglas i think its called and with the sun shining on it you get this result! And a new camera also forgot to mention (Nikon D 3100 ) @Mark: Thanks mate glad to hear that from a massey lover like you!
  3. Thanks for the nice reply´s glad you like the model! Here is the real tractor i took for this realisation my Uncle´s MF 690 (drove it a few times)
  4. Hello. As the topic name say´s an MF 690 2wd. I had it almost complete when i heard that UH is coming with one! :'( Mine is almost finished it still needs some decals (synchro 12 and a licenseplate on the back) Also i must look at some minor points that need some painting or so. The model is based on the UH MF 590 that i shortend the chasis of and placed a PMA frontaxle with the rims of PMA. For the back wheels i used the rim of the UH MF 590 and Paul Ogier made the wheelweight for me (thanks Paul) The engine covers on the side of the bonnet are like my uncle´s MF has them and they were part of the VAMIL agreement (for an better enviorment). For the cab i used the Weisse toys MF 1014 cab and made the gearleavers inside the cab like the 600´s have! The gril is a modifyed from the UH MF 590. well enough said here is the model. I hope you lad like the model? Kind regards Johny
  5. I think this looks super! Got the 4cilinder 3000's also in my head to build but must find the time to do them Did you also use the Celtis chasis or only the wheels/rims? Kind regards Johny
  6. Looking impresive! When i go to tractorpuling (farmer class) i alway´s see a nice restored real one. Lovely machine to see in the flesh!
  7. Well then i would be the first conversionist to be complaining like Paul said but i had my MF 690 2wd almost ready and i am not glad with this model! ( i think otrher conversionist now what i mean with this) But also the 6290 is not that nice to see to come out for other conversionists that had build it (curently i am also almost ready with my 6270 so not that bad for me!) What can conversionist build any more without the big company´s bringing the same type of tractor out? Glad to see that there are some models out again to break apart for the cab,bonnet,wheels and to improve to our own taste so not completly complaining But what the F**** this is my opinion
  8. That new MF looks great! I hope they keep pup this qaulity and don't change much on the prototype!
  9. The reason i looked depressed is that my grandfather is past away last Friday and tomorow is his funeral. I where thinking not to go to the show last Sunday but my girlfriend said to me we go then you can set youre mind on some other things. But i didnt had a real great day at the show The responding of people where good that whas for sure and kept me thinking of something else.
  10. Did he looked like this maybe? Glad you like the photo´s Jan
  11. Here are som photo´s that i have taken of the model on my layout at a show last sunday! I hope you enjoy these photo´s?
  12. Wel i love the Schlüter Eurotrac but i feel a bit disapointed now because i where building a type like that one!
  13. Johny mf

    Mf 5455?

    I went to the show of Mechatrac in December and they even are selling 6400´s with the new bonnet! So it could be posible On the show there where an MF 6455 with the new style bonnet.
  14. Firts of all welcome on the forum! Looking good but can you also tell how and what you changed on the model? Kind regards Johny
  15. I am going tofolow this! Good luck with the project
  16. 2 Real beauty´s Reqen I also like the way the picture´s are taken! Kind Regards from Holland
  17. I think so but i don´t know
  18. Here is the website mate http://www.autodrome.net/?p=trac
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