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Posts posted by CCF

  1. After a long period of freezing temperatures, the weather has been warming up around the farm. Spring tillage and manure spreading are now in sight, spring is now on it's way. Although cold temperatures and possibly snow are predicted soon, the ground had a chance to finally thaw out. This week, we took advantage of the thawing ground to do a bit of long needed cleaning.

    The temperature was 10 degrees today, so the pigs had their first trip outside since the first week of January:



    As Zane and Martin, two recently hired farm employees, were about to pack up for the day, they both smelled the strong odor of the pig manure from early January in the outdoor pig pen. As the smell would no doubt get commented on tomorrow, they decided to stay a little longer to clean out the pig pen:


    Before they began, they knew that they would need the trailer, as there were more than a few bucket fulls of manure in the pig pen. Martin called Marky on his phone to drop off the trailer. Fortunately, Marky had not left yet, and delivered the trailer to the barnyard:



    After he delivered the trailer, he parked the Massey Ferguson at the bottom of the barnyard, and left for the day:


    After Marky dropped off the trailer, Zane jumped on the Farmall A and warmed up the engine:


    Meanwhile, Martin started up the John Deere 320 skid steer, and headed up to the barnyard:


    After Martin drove the skid steer up to the barnyard, he led the pigs down to the larger outdoor pen near the pond. This was the first time that the pigs were in the larger pen since November:



    After he had put the pigs in the larger pig pen, he drove the skid steer into the pig pen and began mucking out the pig pen:


    While Martin was mucking out the pig pen, Zane backed the Farmall and trailer into the pen to be filled up with pig manure:


    Mucking out the pig pen:



    Finishing up mucking out the pig pen. Surprisingly, there was not as much pig manure in the pig pen as expected:


    Martin parked the skid steer, and Zane went to empty the pig manure out on the flower beds. He did not bother having Martin follow him to spread the muck out on the beds, as the flowers would be coming up soon. Instead, he will spread the muck out with a shovel tomorrow:



    Driving the Farmall and trailer back up to the barnyard, and parking it in front of the barn:



    After the Farmall and trailer were parked, Martin and Zane put the pigs back in the clean pig pen:




    At the end of the day just before they were leaving, they spotted a doe and to fawns in back of the barnyard. They looked to be the same ones spotted in the woods last November:


    A job well done!

    Hate to say it, but that's all for this week folks!

  2. Brilliant Timmy B.... thaty nasty big green thing looks a brute... some great pics again Tim... well done mate... now I can see why your were gobsmacked that we were all grasscutting over here....  ;)

    About time that lot melted for you huh  ;)

    Cheers Marky...aye it is about time all of this snow has melted. Still another two months until anyone starts mowing their lawns around here, most of them are still frozen or bogged out at the moment.

    Another good one Tim a problem though we never have is too much snow :D

    Cheers Garret...be considered lucky mate!

    I may have a small journal coming later on today as the weather has been cooperating, keep your eyes peeled.

  3. strange.....did you add more to my post when you quoted it :D :D :D :D

    whats the 'anonymizer ' ???....dont think i found the right answer on google :-\ :-\

    Wouldn't be suprised if the browser did! :D :D ::)

    An anonmizer is a search engine that works it's way over firewalls without leaving any IP info. ;D

    Spent today getting the BEETie mobile's mowing deck off of it so I can get at the blade for sharpening, the blade is being a bit of a pain to get off. :(

  4. Still a bit too much snow on the ground to start the journals, so the farm did a bit of snow and ice removal the past week.

    As a change, the farm has been receiving warm weather for the past few days. With the warm weather came some rain, which aided the snow melting. This week, the farm tried to remove the rest of the snow and ice covering the roads. We were unable to finish, but should be able to finish by next weekend if the weather stays as nice as it has been.

    After a night of rain, there were several puddles and get spots in the roads:


    We decided to take the 250 skid steer out to break up some of the ice and snow chunks on the road up to the barnyard:



    Ruts lets in the road by the skid steer:



    The shorter road to the barnyard looked dry, so the driver decided to go down it. Little did he know that it was extremely wet underneath the dirt:



    As the John Deere tracked tractor was being pulled out of the barn today so that the barn could get swept out, the driver got a call from the skid steer driver. The 9420 met the skid steer down by the barnyard, and pulled it out of the wet spot in the road:




    After the skid steer was pulled out of the wet spot, the driver proceeded on to the road up to the barnyard. When he got there, he cleaned enough ice off of the road that the sun would melt the remaining ice after several days:




    Meanwhile at the top of the hill, another farm employee was cleaning up the ice with the John Deere 320 skid steer:





    After a long afternoon of cleaning ice and snow from the roads, the skid steers parked up in the barnyard by the barns. The temperature is predicted to stay above freezing for the night, so the skid steers were left outside for tomorrow?s use:


    Hate to say it, but that?s all for this week folks!

  5. yes its growing Tim mate was going to cut it last week, got my mums to cut getting very long. can i contract you to cut it for me Tim. ;D ;D

    Ooooh yes, supply me with an airline ticket and i\\\\\\\'ll do it for free!  ;D:D :D :D

    Mine was cut for the first time this year today as well Timmy Beetroot... The old Hayter Mower started... on the 415th pull  ::)>:(

    Last years petrol though... wonder it went at all really  ;D ;D ;D

    Sounds like you need that MF 7 lawnmower mate!  :D :D :D

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