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Posts posted by CCF

  1. I'll leave that to Timmy Beetroot... it's his pic after all  ;)

    Done!  ;)

    :D :D :D :D :D

    Good one beetie :D :D

    Cheers for the comments lads!  :)

    Why am I in jail though, and were is my pink thong ??? I rather wear nothing at all than an orange jail dress ::) ::)

    I told you why, trespassing and attempt of theft is a crime where I come from!  ;)

    :D :D :D :D Oh Beetie lad....

    What a journal.... I've got aching cheeks from laughing so much mate.... Why do I only get to drive the horrible Johnny Queers when that wonderful 3630 is sitting doing nothing  :'( :'(

    Just one thing though... Mrs F say that NO WAY would she pay for my ticket home  :'( - in fact... she says she'll pay you to keep me there  :'( :'(

    Oh... and Barry Stunt... when will you ever grow up young man  >:( - Slingshots... criminal damage... at your age... I hope the police go to town on you when they catch you.....

    Hooligan  >:(

    The JQ'a are your punshment for trespassing. If you don't take a hammer to them, you might find yourself in the 3630!  ;)

  2. Could be quite a bit of work and a fair bit of cash too. Do you have somewhere under-cover that you can work on it without having to store it outside? Is that place somewhere that you can use for a while, that way you won't be rushed and can do it as cash-flow allows.

    As for the work part, I'd go for it if I was you just to spend time with your Grandad and learn some mechanical stuff from him.

    Seconded, good points brought up TOG.  :)


    This week, the owner of Cider Hill Farms and his wife took a one week trip out to New Zealand to visit Oliver Percy's Farm. Mr Percy gave a small tour of the farm and some of the machinery, the farm owner and his wife were able to bring back some good photos of some of the farm machinery used in New Zealand. Back at the farm, the employees worked to keep the farm running all week. To help make the work a bit easier, the owner of the farm hired an additional employee before he left for New Zealand. Overall it worked out well, and all fo the farm tasks were completed.

    A picture of Oli's wee Deutz parked in the shed around the back of his yard ready to pull his old dusty/bird sh!t cover gun out for the first time this year. He had a late start to irrigation this year because of the rain, hence still got the last irrigator  in the yard at X mas time:


    The gun trolley being pulled out on a worked paddock before drilling the winters green feed kale:


    Back at the farm, an employee is picking up our John Deere Chopper and wagon we purchased in the farm auction several weeks ago:



    Driving up and parking alongside the field:


    Recently, Mark Channel was caught and arrested by the police and charged with trespassing and theft of property. His wife paid for his bail and plane ticket home, but he had to have the money to pay her back when he got home, or he would never see his collection or tractor again. Marky came to us for a job so he could have the money he needed. He will be working until the end of the first hay cutting in May, when he will have made enough money to pay back his wife. Marky will be mostly operating the John Deere loader and skid steers while he is working for us. Marky?s first job is to grade the road near the larger pig pens:




    When Marky finished grading the road, he picked up some of the rocks that popped up from the rainstorms in the skid steer:



    Dumping the rocks in the rock pile:



    After several buckets full of rocks, the roads were clear enough to drive on again. As marky was about to get in his car and leave, he heard an occasional pinging noise coming from the rock pile. He went up to see where the noise was coming from:


    At the top of the pile was none other than Barry Stunt, using a slingshot to shoot rocks at the MF:



    As soon as he saw Marky, he bolted for the woods. Marky got back in the skid steer and chased him:


    Just as Barry was almost in the clear, he tripped on a rock that Marky missed while cleaning off the roads:


    Just as Marky was about to reach him, Barry realized what had just happened, and got back up and bolted for the woods. This time, he made it to the woods:


    We called the police, and alerted them of Barry Stunt. According to the police, there have been 5 other reports of a strange man running around and trying to set fire to MF?s. There is now a $250 reward for finding Barry Stunt. Meanwhile at the police station, Nathan was not in the best of moods, the police has taken away his ?clothes? that he was wearing, and replaced them with jail cell clothes:


    Here is this week?s background image:


    Hate to say it, but that?s all for this week folks!

    I would like to thank Oli (Fendt Power) for providing the New Zealand pictures and descriptions.

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