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Posts posted by CCF


    Today, we came back from an equipment auction with some more machinery for the farm. At the auction, we bought a John Deere pull behind forage chopper and wagon, and a like new Massey Ferguson 3630 for the farm. We were able to bring the Massey Ferguson home this weekend. The John Deere forage chopper and harvester will be picked up in the middle fo the week.

    Arriving at the farm with our latest purchase:



    Taking a spin around the farm:




    Turning around and heading back to the entrance of the farm:




    Parking the tractor out by the wood pile. Overall, we are pleased with our new tractor. It drives and sounds like new:


    We came back later in the evening to move the tractor into the barn, only to find the large sound of a chainsaw. A few workers snuck up behind a bush with a pair of binoculars to see what was going on. They spotted Barry Stunt cutting up firewood to spread around the tractor. We watched him position the wood all around our new tractor. When he was about to pull a box of matches out of his pocket, the farm employees jumped out and scared him off:






    At the same moment, a man with a pink thong tried to steal off with our tractor. Fortunately we closed the fuel shutoff valve, so he only got about 500 feet before the tractor stalled. He got out of the cab and ran:


    Just when we thought it couldn't get any stranger, a man with a long nose in a yellow Massey Ferguson 35X drove by the scene. We will be reporting today's events to the local police:


    Here is this week's background image:


    Hate to say it, but that's all for this week folks!

  2. Did anyone take the trouble to have a good read of the website www.predictweather.com? If you did, what do you think about their  comments and version of what is happening to our weather?

        As a non believer in the global warning phenomena, I found their explanation of things to be very logical. I also had hoped that some of you would have read it and perhaps passed comment so we could get an interesting discusion going, to find out what our members really think. Us Brits are often too ready to accept what the so called experts tell us, regardless of their motives. At the end of the day, every time we hear about global warming from the media, it all comes down to one thing, and that being, we are eventually going to foot the bill. All we hear about is governments talking about fining large energy producers for the level of their carbon emissions. All they will do is pass on the cost to us!!!!

        I eagerly await your comments!! (First Numpty of the year 2007 :-[) Still, at least my spelling is pretty good. ;)

    That was me, not you. Methinks that may qualify for a second  ;D

    Haven't read it to be honest Will, too many other things to catch up on over the weekdays. Will try to look this weekend if I get a chance.  :)

  3. Dave McQuerry (dmac) recently added a bit onto this 1/16 model, turned out quite nice!

    This was a Scale Models shelf version. Replaced the original fenders with a fabricated set. I intend to use the originals on a 1150 MF once I remove its cab Confused Made a new metal muffler (slightly larger than the orig. rubber one)' date=' added new ft. rims w/7.50-16's, replaced rear axle and added a 3pt hitch. The 3pt came from SM Ford TW25 (1/16th) that I had customized a few months ago.....extra parts Laughing Reused the orig. rear rims and tires. Scale Models makes a nice rear rubber tire in my opinion. A lot nicer that the old Ertl 1x4's.

    Dave [/quote']



  4. Work at the farm has been slow for the past few weeks. In January, we prepare for the coming year by beginning to service our farm machinery. In January, we check to see that the hydraulic implements are in working order, and begin servicing the tractors. Recently, we had two feet of snow dumped on the farm in a large storm. Without a clear way to get to the barn to begin servicing our tractors, we had to get out the snow blower and do a bit of cleaning up.

    Cleaning off the main road to the barn:






    Spreading sand down on the recently cleaned road:


    Cleaning out the parking area near the irrigation ditch:


    Another farm worker has came to switch off with the worker on the snowblower and give him a warm cup of coffee to drink:



    Coming back from the break, the tractor has been covered in snow that has recently fallen:


    Cleaning the snow out of the auger:


    Getting into the deeper snow:





    Finishing up:



    A view of the woods:


    Here is this week's background image:


    I would like to thank John Cranston (jdc) for adding the snow blower affect to the pictures.

    Hate to say it, but that's all for this week folks!

  5. Alright, alright, just because the weather here is the same as in my last post, I don't want to hear about your yank sunshine, keep it, we've got loads of low cloud and drizzle *raspberry*

    Can you spare some sunshine Tim?  :-\

    Afraid not, the temperature is the same today, except a bit more cloudy.  :-\

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