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Everything posted by CallumC

  1. This beauty arrived today. Same style of fraser trailer as my old next door neighbour
  2. It's a shame They don't make a flotation version of the tractors now
  3. Bought someone's childhood britains collection to add to my own. Theres 403 square bales ! Plus a nice joblot from ebay
  4. I was watching it like a hawk haha I wanted the simba and the wrapper everything else was a bonus think I've a front rack for the quad so should have it sorted out soon
  5. And the little job lot that was bought before the big collection came for sale couple bits of damage but the bits I bought it for were good so can't complain
  6. Here's a couple pics after cleaning the collection I bought. Over all it's in very good condition fue cabs and a couple linkages some bales have the edges filled down and all the cows have been dehorned by a busy young farmer! Haha but all in all a very good collection and a rare chance to get everything in 1 go. Does anyone have any tips for cleaning animals just soapy hot water ? Some sheep have pen on them
  7. How did they get away with it being so similar it's it's proper rip off haha
  8. A lot of cleaning to be done but once I've done that I'll get a picture of it all set out
  9. Won a cracking joblot on ebay the other day. nice mix of bits for £39 Then came across this lot on Facebook market place a massive collection of britains bits in mostly very nice condition. It wasn't a bargain but if I was to sell it all individually I'd make money so I'd say it was a fair deal for me. Also got the 135s and what not from him does anyone know anything about the silver and red acrobat rake ?
  10. Will be nice when it's done keep up the good work
  11. Thought I better do if not I'd finaly decide I'd get one and they would be out of stock and worth stupid money. No more tho that's it from that camp
  12. Built up the MAP header trailer for the newholland combine (nice little kit shame the yellow I've used doesn't match but hay ho) and a same arrived to keep the lambo company
  13. Folded like a red hot Mars bar and bought a same to keep the lambo company
  14. Yea I've told myself the lambo was the only 1 I was getting but a same would be nice .....
  15. Nice lambo arrived today if money and space was no object id add some more of these range from ros
  16. Got a nice krm spreader and a bunch of britains big square bales
  17. Some new additions the big newholland and the kv power harrow have been on the list for a very long time
  18. Yea that's what I thought as soon as I saw them they look like they need to be hooked to a forage waggon or a big tanker of I get one it's going on a waggon
  19. I'm still a bit unsure on these the rear wheels just look a little big but I think the 8830 might come my way
  20. I believe the drill will be around €40
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