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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. ive been working on this the last few nights ive a real one on the farm so i thought i would have ago
  2. uh kunn varimaster oh dear what a mess it is going back on ebay not impressed with it
  3. blooming good stuff tris i got some pm me and if you want more info
  4. it,s drying up well here today gav my plough will be on this week to turn over the stubble turnips stubble over wet though
  5. yer don,t go for a duel spreader they are usless i hire a bunning 12 toner in every other month they will take alsorts though them
  6. god gav have you no doors on your 6920 loud vid eh
  7. top work again brian when you gonner build a class jag 75 for us all to see
  8. well \ i orderd a 6430 jd in the spring of last year but it was delade till late oct so i went and bought the next best thing to it and got a real good deal on this n111 valtra so i gues thats why im a valtra man for now anyway jd next though im a big fan of the deeres because i spent 8 years driving nothing but them so thats where the 132 scale deeres come in to it
  9. yer shes me back up machine :D
  10. cheers bodge mate you off to spaldings this april
  11. snowing now just started and ive got to go milking in it in an hour
  12. 100,000 gallons spread and no mess he comes to us every other month in the winter next time he comes he will be spreading on our winter wheat crop in march
  13. yer they go corner to corner mate you have to seee it theres a real nack to it
  14. they start where the pump is at the lagoon , then reel out to the field there going to spread in
  15. ok bud if your off to spaldings you,ll se it in all her glory
  16. yer i have a flower on my camra i ,ll have ago as it is a pain mate
  17. macro whats that jezers i have trouble with the quality of my pics
  18. yer the rear one,s are 3 foot wide each he dose,nt leave a mark on the fields he had a job getting to me on the icey roads though keeept doing 360,s
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