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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. thats goner be a busy day bob ive been to the last three but this time im staying the night before thank god 3 hours for me to get there
  2. fantastic thing to build eh if you know how too
  3. ive been laid up all week with flu and no energy to move mate horrible aint it
  4. thanks leakey will pm our andy for some info
  5. yer where do we buy the polo shirts from i need xxxxxxx large
  6. dam good idear si this is gotta be done
  7. yer we all need T shirts with our names on then we know who,s who
  8. hope you backed up and had another go t the pheasent did you get him
  9. have you any pics of the mangely with the chute to the right hand side as if you were looking behind you whilest pulling the forager
  10. ay triss ive a feeling all us lot will modenise it after a pint or too
  11. hmm i could collect at spaldings i f any one fancy,s making one don,t think im gonner get time tooooooooooooooooo many prodjects on the go
  12. thanks tim yer the 7810,s are selling well mate ive 5 half made and there all sold
  13. yer im going to get some more boarding to put a shed in front of the silage clamp loads to do but 3 months left yet
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