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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. cheers busta she,s coming on slowly im busy building jd 7810,s at the minit so hope to get back to it next week
  2. yer you could blow it in the pit your right need to make this one fit in the car so she is small ,
  3. yer easy mate good website too will be using it alot now
  4. hi dose anyone know how to order off top tractor website seems you need a user name ,n, password
  5. thanks very much guy,s your all a real help
  6. oh aye nick no kids for me yet ha ha! \
  7. im after some tyers for around the pit but i don,t know were to get any ,,,, any idear,s lads could do with 40 or so
  8. what wheels are on that 7930 nole tidy rig
  9. nice pics nole what d0 you think of the 6930 mate i love mine best model on the yard
  10. nice mate you,ve had some snow then ha white xmass
  11. thanks lads getting there with it slowly should be at spaldings show on display if i get it all finished in time
  12. well didn,t make me laugh but was shocked to see pistle petes 6910 sell very well on http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=280294674176ebay
  13. she,s on the pit ive more pics but the computers having a mong at the minit
  14. well i look forward to the rear discharge spreader dan
  15. sweet man any more pics of the 6930 mines coming next week
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