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Everything posted by 51MON

  1. oh and in the last pic you can see ive stacked some tyres up around the walk way on the clamp
  2. ive got loads to do to the layout before spaldings got some new field grass coming this week instead of that horrible stuff you can see there
  3. sorry about the quality of the pics lads done me best
  4. right boy and girls ive done a few bit,s and bobs to my layout and models today just having troublle uploading pics but hopfully they won,t take long fist up john deere 6430 with new stoll loader
  5. pm me next time your going past your model shop i don,t have any model shops round me bud could you get any more pics for me of the trees no rush like cheeres muzza
  6. you lucky lad are they cheap trees EMA are to dear for me look nice size trees
  7. dam good job that muzzza good idear to where do you get your trees from EMA
  8. we carn,t just tipp it like that over here because of the run off from the rain kinder defeats the object of not spreading the stuff for five months but still being able to tip it on soil i think all these men i n suits have got it all wrong me self
  9. yes but don,t the solids have to be tipped on a solid landing pad to stop run off
  10. hope you let it go down the dich instead of burning more deisel
  11. nice pics bodge you have some modes about you
  12. i wounder how many pages we can get this topic too before the 4th of april :D should we have a poll
  13. buying one of these for a bit of fun http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=220341171871
  14. you will learn like me mate , i bought the missis a black lab pup one year ago worst thing i ever did ive only myself to blame though
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