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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. Im going to say, JD 3140 with straight pipe pulling a silage trailer like this picture here Or this 1255
  2. Or i just get the contractors who brought in the silage to do it , o you mean Penyrallt from Whitemill? i think they call him monkey or something not sure
  3. Thanks Coxy tomorrow night hopefully should be all done
  4. Aldi's do quite good tools to be honest.. my compressor came from there
  5. When i open it... computer goes to sh!t \
  6. Its more like corragated paper to be honest mate
  7. Thanks Cerin ye its not bad... cant go wrong for about a fiver , pack of sticks is a few quid to
  8. Looks really tidy , i see you like your PS2 games :D
  9. Ah right iv'e decided to do a rounded dutch barn style roof, tomorrows job is to spray the card black, and just fit the plywood semi circles to fix the card to, here are the pics of the shed so far and the card i'l be using
  10. Cheers errr, Not sure yet mate il think of it when its finished
  11. Looks great Coxy are they the wheels off the Joskin silage trailers?
  12. Heres my new shed not quite finished yet,made from pine 'stripwood', 8 mm by 8mm i think. Cant decide over dutch barn roof or normal one \ suggestions please
  13. Snow all gone now, not sure about up the top but its raining now \
  14. That would look good all the pipeline tractors around me either have ZOO or NUTS in them :D
  15. Looks like that welly is lying in front of the lorry as a protest for it not to take Fanny away :D
  16. One hell of aslurry set up you have there mate, nice looking Masseys
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