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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. Mam fussing around in my bedroom, knocked my complete shed fram off the desk... broke... bits scattered everywhere
  2. NH TS115 and slurry pump MF 5455 and Marston flatbed full of straw MF 135 and linkbox NH TS100 with nothing on the back on the road
  3. Im not a 100% mind, ask someone with a bit more knowledge first
  4. I think you can glue brass if you dont fancy soldering
  5. Looks like my topping kit in real life , looks a nice model dose it fit on the 135? or is it just behind it?
  6. I thought the topic was called 'hay ladies' all i can think of is brass mate
  7. People say that they wear less on the road, im not sure this is true but thats all i can think of
  8. Nice day today, lots of sun and not a cloud in the sky
  9. For my more permanent farm i will make some better excuse up dont worry
  10. Thanks Murray and I dont know i just found the wallace and this little thing i could use as a bucket.. i thought it would look good like he was greesing something or he's greesing the boom of the JCB
  11. Now your talking, i forgot to mention my baby in my post :P cant beat that can you
  12. Thanks JDman @Cerin - i found him on the floor at school... looked the right size so he was in my pocket
  13. Thanks mate , spike will be put to good use ASAP
  14. 5455, bales and back of sheep shed David's (dmullen) superb buckrake and last pic for now, the 1/32 scale wallace greesing the buckrake
  15. As i said in the post above... there is no more Bryncadno \ so heres a temporary farm i made in the living room , its a small hill farm that has mostly sheep, might get some cows in later on, here are the pics, sheep shed, recenly sprayed bales and 5455 Ready to lamb 595 and sheep shed House and bits and bobs whole farm Different view of sheep shed
  16. Nah, wouldnt be there Cerin \ mam dosent let me in the house with it... not after i dripped oil on the living room carpet :'(
  17. Cant find my can of black spray paint to do my corragated card , cant do anything until i find it or buy another tin
  18. Great pics there Merlo and 6480 look very tidy
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