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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. thanks a lot, room is a bit restricted, headroom included :D
  2. looking good nice models and a nice lorry
  3. a view of the whole farm , suggestions welcome
  4. moving the hurdles and getting stuff out of the transit van
  5. some hurdles i bought in the sale and the sheep dip holding pen
  6. Loading up the jersey bull and leaving the farm
  7. Pics of the digger grading off an area for the new sheep dip and animal pens
  8. taking the box off the cattle trailer and a guy came over to look at the jersey bull
  9. givin her a good wash and giving a skidsteer a service
  10. MTX on the way home from a day carting maize
  11. ta marc, im uploading more pics now shouldnt be long
  12. went to whitland machinery sale, very tempted by leyland 482, sounded V.Nice with straight pipe and turbo whistle
  13. thanks mate, even thought the front axle doesnt steer, its got a good level of detail
  14. Thanks, he does look a bit battered il tidy him up a bit before i put him on
  15. the same with our old baler she rathers a good constant feed than slow thin stuff, knotters tie better etc
  16. before the 5000 got converted i managed to get some pics of it , here it is with the haybob ready to turn a few acres
  17. thanks a lot ad , ok il let you know when it arrives then get some pics of it on the farm
  18. cant always rely on all this new machinery see
  19. quick look under the topper, as something went BANG not long ago more pics will be on soon and a pic of the michelin man i made bit big i think, its made out of white tack
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