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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. nice machine even better massey
  2. i just went through every page and loved it pity about your layout been packed away, but from the pics i saw it was an amazing layout blake mate
  3. Dads seat for holding the logs as theyre being split :D and the pile, (sorry its not a clear pic, it was dark and stormy ), the guy by the pile is about 6'1 so the pile must be over 6'3 and about the same out from the wall ... and me.. being 5'6 had to give up my job as 'log stacker' as it got higher :D
  4. Had some work to do over the last week or so.... dad was made redundant so he's gone back to the forestry and firewood side of things, so 1st job was a HUUGEEE amount of firewood to be split it may not look a huge pile but it took ages to split, here are the first 2 pics the pile and 135 and splitter
  5. our teacher did the same wth our farming topic \ ****. anyway what really annoyed me today was that i got caught with my phone, not even by a teacher but by a helper in the school mam had to phone the school to get it back, how stupid is that
  6. smart looking self proppellled and great models
  7. for 6 acres, a 135 would be perfect
  8. i know what you mean, pity about your machines \
  9. great idea thanks for sharing tris i shall have to try it soon ;D
  10. i think there was 2 there and a 2300 or 2600 gallon tanker
  11. well well... its a small world... i was working with brodyr evans (evans brothers) not long ago , which depot are they goin to? great pics as well
  12. Christ, must be some sight to watch a machine like that burn
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